Health and Fitness – Next Luxury The Online Men's Magazine Thu, 19 Dec 2024 16:04:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health and Fitness – Next Luxury 32 32 Does Listening to Music Help You Fall Asleep Faster? Wed, 08 Sep 2021 21:00:31 +0000 …]]> There are many things that can help us fall asleep like herbal teas, cooling pillows, running around like crazy to hit maximum exhaustion level, or something a little more sophisticated like yoga. Another thing to add to the list is music. And the best part? Anyone can do it.

It doesn’t depend on your tea-making skills, how much you have in your wallet to buy a new accessory, how many things you can fit in a day to tire yourself out, or your flexibility as a yogi. All you need is a playlist and a device to play it on, such as a phone, laptop, or iPad, which we all have at least one of (but most probably all three). Hello, generation of owning multiple devices that all do the same thing in different sizes!

We speak to the experts to get an insight into how music helps us fall asleep, the benefits of using music, what type of music we should listen to, how long it takes for us to fall asleep whilst playing, and whether it works for everyone, so tune in. 

Does Music Help Us Fall Asleep?


“Yes, music can help us sleep,” says Dr. Caroline Leaf, world-renowned Neuroscientist, Mental Health, and Mind Expert. “However, it plays a supportive role rather than a primary one.” She explains that the most important and effective “sleep-aid” is mind-management; the messier your mind is when you go to sleep, the worse your sleep will be.

This “messiness” can include suppressed thoughts, undealt with issues, swirling emotional signals that haven’t been decompressed, underlying anguish or trauma, or a pervasive and nagging feeling that something is wrong. If you struggle to sleep at night, it can be an indicator that you need to spring clean your mind (even in the middle of fall).

These issues can then go onto affect deep, non-REM sleep, and may add to your anxiety during the day. In fact, a lot of high delta frequencies in the brain during the day generally indicate suppressed toxic thoughts, which can result in poor sleep quality. “From the data we observed in one of our mind-management studies, sleep issues affected some of the participants’ telomeres, which were shorter than they should have been, suggesting that their biological age was significantly older than their chronological age,” she says.

“When we go into deep, regenerative sleep, we see a lot of delta waves in the brain, and, at a certain frequency point when sleeping, the enzyme telomerase and growth hormone are released, which work with the telomeres to keep our cells healthy.” There are many things we can do to help keep our cells healthy, and adding music to our bedtime routine can be a lot more enjoyable than making sure you eat all your veggies. 

Several research studies suggest that negative thoughts are one of the main contributors to sleep loss in people with insomnia and that using music as a healthy “distraction” from thought can be helpful for some people. “Based on my own research and practice, using both mind-management and music may be a significant help for people battling with insomnia.

How Does Music Help Us Fall Asleep?


“In 2014, experts in Japan reviewed 18 reliable science-based studies about the effectiveness of MT (music therapy) in treating a wide range of conditions,” says Andrei Marhol, MD, Ph.D., and Medical Adviser at Loóna. “The review indicated that one of the reasons MT improved sleep quality among participants was because it improved mental health as “the beauty and rhythm of the music tone allowed the patient to be comfortable.”

Music allows us to create a relaxing environment wherever we may be. If we pick songs with happy memories and good times we can make a time capsule come to life which can be a great comfort to those left lying awake at night with anxious thoughts. 

After a long day, our bodies need more time to rest than they do during other periods of the day because our body’s cortisol levels (a hormone triggered by stress) are higher at night than in the daytime. “Playing music before bed tricks your cortisol levels into thinking that it is nighttime and lowers them from their daytime high levels back down to nighttime low-levels so your body can “reset” and begin entering hibernation sleep mode,” says Robert Pagano, Co-Founder of Sleepline.

What Are the Benefits of Using Music To Help Us Fall Asleep?


Music can help calm the brain by balancing the autonomic nervous system, which then calms down the whole body. This, in turn, can help decrease the warning signals of anxiety pinging in the nonconscious mind, which often keeps us awake at night. “Music at night also seems to positively impact our blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate, while potentially reducing cortisol levels and releasing dopamine, which helps us get into a more positive mindset before falling asleep,” says Dr. Leaf.

The review Marhol mentioned earlier discovered that MT has additional benefits of improving schizophrenia, other serious mental disorders, gait and related Parkinson’s disease, depression, and sleep quality. At the very least, music therapy is a joyful experience for most of us. 

Plus, dreams can actually be influenced by what we’ve been thinking or experiencing right up until the point of falling asleep. If you’re lucky enough to be a dreamer (depending on your mood) you’ve probably noticed that when you’re feeling good it’s all rainbows and unicorns, and when you’re not, it’s well, the opposite. Listening to uplifting music before bed to help you fall asleep will make it easier to tap into your happy place and give yourself a better chance at a blissful dream rather than a nightmare you can’t wait to wake up from.

What Type of Music Should We Be Listening To?


“A Swedish study recommended the use of MT in hospitals to cater for the emotional, spiritual and psychological needs of patients on the basis that “slow […] flowing […] nonlyrical” music stimulates and maintains relaxation, wellbeing, and comfort,” says Marhol. 

But there haven’t been enough studies to determine which type of music provides optimal sleep. “What we do know is that studies have typically used either a self-curated playlist or a one that has been designed specifically with sleep in mind,” says Dr. Leaf. She says it does seem that calming music is better than rhythmic music, which we find easy to believe otherwise we’re left fighting the urge to boogie (or some of us anyway). 

She recommends playing it quietly on a device instead of using earphones, as the use of earphones whilst sleeping may cause damage to the inner ear. Plus, you risk getting tangled in them during the night if you like to move about whilst you sleep. Or just a shock in the middle of the night as you find an earphone in a place where you definitely don’t want an earphone!

When Should We Begin Playing Music To Fall Asleep? Is There a Time It Works Best?


According to a few studies, around 45 minutes of music before going to sleep can improve sleep quality. “A Cochrane report on sleep literature said that the daily use of music, prior to sleep, was effective in improving overall sleep quality; however this may look different for different people,” says Dr. Leaf. However, other studies have discovered for some participants it only takes 5-15 minutes for them to fall asleep instead of their usual 30-60 minutes without music. 

We recommend setting a timer for around 20 minutes and if you notice the music has stopped playing, you’re obviously still awake and can reset it for longer. But if you don’t, you’ve found the perfect amount of time to play music to help you fall asleep. If you’re struggling with time, it’s worth playing around with the songs you have on your playlist. Stick to the relaxed, chilled-out good vibes as this type of music is most likely to work best. 

Will Listening To Music Help Everyone Fall Asleep or Is It Only Certain Types of People?


“Music appears to be helpful to most people, but this will also look different for different kinds of people,” says Dr. Leaf. “There is no cookie-cutter approach when it comes to helping people sleep well, as different issues keep us up at different points in our life.”

If you’re up late and feeling restless because you’re nervous about a first date tomorrow you’ll probably have little to no trouble falling asleep to relaxing music, but if you’re tossing and turning over real life-changing head-scratchers, you might have difficulty at first. But don’t give up! You may be one of the 45-minute people, or just have a different idea of what relaxing music is. Classical music won’t do it for us all, it definitely doesn’t do it for us all while we’re awake. 

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Is Keto or Paleo Right for You? Mon, 30 Aug 2021 21:00:44 +0000 …]]> How many diets have you heard of in your lifetime? Likely quite a few. Just like other fads, diets have come and gone in popularity over the past few decades. Diets can seem attractive for those who want something concrete to follow and tend to attract people who have had a difficult time meeting their nutrition and health goals on their own.

The downside is that diets often don’t work long-term, especially for weight loss. Studies have found that 80% of people who lost a significant amount of weight (at least 10% of their starting body weight) regain the weight after a year. 

Some people find diets to be sustainable, especially if they don’t start the diet with the sole intention of losing weight. Maybe you want to try changing your eating habits to help manage your blood pressure or autoimmune disorder, or another health reason. Some of the more popular diets people have been talking about are the ketogenic (keto) diet and the paleolithic (paleo) diet.

What Is the Keto Diet?


The ketogenic diet, most often referred to as just “keto,” has actually been around for much longer than it’s been popular. The ketogenic diet was used in the early 1900s as a treatment for epilepsy, a type of seizure disorder. It regained popularity in recent years, especially for people wanting to lose weight.

The ketogenic diet is very low in carbohydrates, a type of nutrient found in foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, and some dairy products. While actual amounts of macronutrients may vary, a keto diet usually doesn’t contain more than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day, with many people preferring to keep their carb intake to fewer than 25 grams per day. For reference, the current dietary guidelines recommend consuming around over 200 grams of carbohydrates for a standard 2,000 calorie diet.

With a very low-carbohydrate diet like the keto diet, fat and protein make up the majority of the macronutrients. Keto diets usually consist of around 70-80%fat, much higher than the dietary guidelines of 20-35% of total calories from fat.

When carbohydrate intake is low and fat intake is high, it promotes a metabolic state of ketosis. In ketosis, the body burns fatty acids for fuel instead of carbohydrates. Burning fat can mean more fat is burned for energy, which can result in weight loss. Having a low intake of carbohydrates can also reduce insulin levels, which can also promote weight loss and improve blood sugar levels.

Pros of the Keto Diet

Lower insulin levels: Carbohydrates break down into sugar when they’re digested. When you eat carbs, a hormone called insulin is released to help keep blood sugar levels at a healthy balance. Insulin is a fat-storage hormone, which means it can promote storing of energy versus burning energy.

With the keto diet, insulin levels are usually reduced due to the very low levels of carbohydrates. Reduced insulin levels can be a good thing, especially for those with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a condition where the body doesn’t respond to insulin effectively and is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes. It is also associated with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a leading cause of infertility in women.

A meta-analysis of 13 studies concluded that a ketogenic diet can improve blood sugar levels in people with existing type 2 diabetes, and it may even promote healthier blood fat levels as well. However, there are limited studies on the long-term efficacy of the keto diet, so more research needs to be done in this area.

Low in added sugars: Added sugars are those that don’t occur naturally in the food and are added solely for the purpose of flavor. Many foods and drinks contain added sugar, such as soda, flavored coffee, cereal, granola bars, and even many kinds of dried fruit. 

The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugars to fewer than 25 grams per day for women and fewer than 36 grams per day for men. The average American consumes 88 grams of added sugar per day, which far exceeds the recommendation.

Because it’s low in carbohydrates, the keto diet is very low in added sugars. Cutting back on added sugars has several perks, such as promoting weight loss, reducing insulin resistance, and even potentially reducing your risk of heart disease.

Possibility of disease reduction: A study concluded that being in ketosis can have several health benefits, such as improvement in neurodegenerative diseases (like Alzheimer’s) and cancer. However, more good quality, long-term research needs to be done before this possible correlation can be solidified.

The bottom line: The keto diet has shown some promise for its potential health benefits, but we need more information before we can confidently recommend it based on scientific research.

Cons of the Keto Diet

Very restrictive: Because the keto diet is so low in carbohydrates, that means many foods aren’t “allowed” or should be eaten in very low quantities. Foods like bread and other grains, fruits, legumes like beans, milk, and certain vegetables are all sources of carbohydrates, which are extremely limited on a keto diet.

When diets are restrictive, there is a higher likelihood that the people following them won’t be able to stick with it on a long-term basis. If there are health benefits from following keto, then you won’t be benefitting from them long-term if you can’t stick with the diet.

Can raise cholesterol levels: Very high fat intake, especially saturated fat from foods like meat and full-fat dairy, can raise LDL cholesterol levels. LDL is considered “bad” cholesterol because it’s associated with an increase in plaque buildup in the arteries, which can reduce blood flow. Having high LDL cholesterol is one of many risk factors for heart disease. Studies have found that a keto diet can raise LDL cholesterol levels, so people with a history of heart disease may want to consult with their healthcare provider before jumping on board with a keto diet.

Low in fruits and other sources of fiber: Because it avoids whole grains, legumes, and most types of fruit (or at least significantly restricts fruit intake), the keto diet has the potential to be lower in natural fiber. Fiber-rich diets are beneficial for good digestive health and also play a role in blood sugar regulation and heart health. A very high-fat and high-protein diet can be low in fiber, which is one of the potential drawbacks. 

What Is the Paleo Diet?


The paleolithic diet, otherwise known as “paleo” or “the caveman diet,” is less restrictive than a ketogenic diet. The goal of the Paleo diet is to eat foods that our caveman ancestors ate thousands of years ago through hunting and gathering. The paleo diet includes foods like meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. It avoids foods that became popular once farming began, such as dairy, legumes, grains, and refined sugars.

Pros of the Paleo Diet

Low in refined sugars: Similar to the keto diet, the paleo diet is usually low in refined sugars, since those weren’t around until long past the caveman era. The majority of sugar-sweetened foods are sweetened with refined sugars like cane sugar and corn syrup, which means that your added sugar intake would likely see a dip if you adopted a paleo diet. That’s not to say the paleo diet is automatically low in sugar, since natural sweeteners like honey are still allowed.

Avoids refined carbohydrates: Many of the grains consumed by Americans are refined grains, such as white bread, white pasta, and others. Refined grains are lower in fiber and other nutrients, and can even raise triglyceride (blood fat) levels and raise cholesterol when they’re eaten in place of saturated fat. Because the paleo diet is free of these grains, there is more room for more nutrient-dense foods like sweet potatoes, nuts, seeds, and vegetables that can be used in place of grains (here’s looking at you, cauliflower rice!). 

Less restrictive than keto: The paleo diet doesn’t have set macronutrient limits and there is a broader variety of foods that are paleo-friendly, which means this diet may be more sustainable compared to keto.

May help symptoms of autoimmune disorders: Some people find some relief from symptoms of their autoimmune disorders while following a paleo diet, such as those suffering from Crohn’s disease. The “Autoimmune Protocol”, an extension of the paleo diet, has been scientifically proven to reduce symptoms in inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Cons of the Paleo Diet

Potentially low in calcium and vitamin D: Dairy products are one of the biggest contributors of calcium and vitamin D in a typical Western diet. The paleo diet avoids dairy, meaning you’ll have to find these nutrients in other foods. While not impossible by any means, dairy products are a convenient way to meet calcium and vitamin D needs, so without carefully planning a paleo diet, there could be a chance for nutrient deficiencies.

Not ideal for vegans or some types of vegetarians: Vegans and vegetarians typically rely on legumes and soy for protein, which aren’t typically considered paleo-friendly. Without being able to rely on legumes and soy, that would leave very few choices to meet protein and iron needs on a vegan paleo diet.

It can get pricey: Eating a diet consisting of more meats, fish, nuts, and seeds can get expensive, especially if you’re used to utilizing more budget-friendly proteins like peanut butter, beans, and dairy products.

Bottom Line: Are Keto or Paleo Right for You?


There are many things to consider before deciding to try a keto or paleo diet. There are potential benefits for both diets, but they both come with their own drawbacks. Of the two diets, the paleo diet is more well-rounded and less restrictive. While the keto diet has been shown to have specific health benefits, all of the research done on it to date emphasizes the need for more long-term studies.

If you have a history of trying different diets and having your weight yo-yo, then trying yet another one might not give you the results you want. Think about your main reasons for wanting to try a diet in the first place. If you want to cut back on sweets or carbs, then you can always adopt aspects of keto or paleo without committing to following a strict diet. 

The bottom line: making changes to your eating habits isn’t a short-term fix; it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Choose an eating style that you think will be realistic and sustainable. The diet should also align with your current state of health and consider any other medical conditions you have. Be sure to also consult with your local health professional to make sure you choose the right diet that will suit your needs. 

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Orangetheory Fitness 101: Everything You Need To Know About Orangetheory Fitness Thu, 19 Aug 2021 17:00:46 +0000 …]]> No matter where you live or who you know, odds are you’ve heard of Orangetheory Fitness. There are more than 1,300 locations all around the globe, from all 50 U.S. states to the United Arab Emirates and Costa Rica. In just 10 years, Orangetheory has created a community of over one million members that rave about their HIIT-centered, total-body, group workouts – but is it worth the hype? And what exactly are you signing up for when you walk into one of their orange workout centers? 

We’re here to answer all your top questions and give you some expert nutrition advice to pair with those heavy HIIT workouts. We’ve chatted with Nicole Hinckley, RD, a licensed dietitian, speaker, and nutrition consultant for Protein20. She’s worked alongside Orangetheory Fitness athletes who implement this workout style into their daily routines. So for the inside scoop on everything Orangetheory Fitness, keep on reading. 

What Is Orangetheory Fitness?

Orangetheory Fitness

Orangetheory is an hour-long, “full-body workout within and out of studio options,” says Hinckley. The brand focuses on training one’s endurance, strength, and power in part by using heart rate tracking technology to craft a workout that best fits you. Orangetheory uses heart-rate-based interval training, moving between five different zones: resting, easy, challenging, uncomfortable, and “All Out.” 

When you walk into an Orangetheory class, your goal is to spend at least 12 minutes with your heart rate elevated in the “Orange Zone,” this will boost your metabolism, burn fat, and burn more calories post-workout than traditional exercise. This after-burn effect is based on the physiological theory known as “Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption” or EPOC, which enables you to burn calories even after the workout is done.

“Orangetheory is more than just a gym,” says Hinckley, “They combine science, technology tracking, and motivating coaches to help drive real results.” Plus, Orangetheory workouts are group workouts meaning you’re never on your own. “Orangetheory emphasizes community and togetherness, which I believe creates a safe and motivating environment for people of all fitness levels,” explains Hinckley.

“They know that exercise is so much more than just weight loss; it’s about allowing you to live your life to the fullest.” You’re also joined by experienced coaches that know how to push you (in a tough love kind of way) with advice and words of encouragement. 

What Does a Typical Session Look Like?

Orangetheory class

As a new member walking into an Orangetheory class, what can you expect? Well, it sometimes varies but ultimately comes down to a basic layout. “Classes may consist of rowing, running on the treadmill, strength training, and more,” says Hinckley. “The goal is to reach the ‘Orange Zone’ to maximize the benefits of your workout.” 

An Orangetheory is a one-hour class that begins with rowing because each stroke activates 85% of your body’s muscles, improving your strength, endurance, and power. You’ll then move onto cardio. Which could be a walk, jog, run, or even some strides on a bike or elliptical machine. You get to decide how you move. Thirdly, you’ll move onto strength training. The weight and floor exercises are continuously changing, so you can target and strengthen different muscle groups. 

This setup is just one reason why members love the workouts so much. The high-energy space filled with other community members helps make a killer workout more fun. “I love Orangetheory’s approach to fitness,” reveals Hinckley.

“It is so important to have measurable goals, and with their OTbeat technology, the members are able to view their heart rate and measure their progress over time. I also love that it is a workout you can look forward to. All of my clients that are members of Orangetheory are eager to start each workout because of the community and encouraging atmosphere.”

What Is OTbeat?

OTbeat Heart Rate Monitor

OTbeat refers to Orangetheory’s exclusive heart rate monitoring technology that enables members to have an individualized experience. You get to see your own real-time data during the workout. And afterward, you can review your performance and see how you can improve for next time.

Is Orangetheory Really Good for All Fitness Levels?

Orangetheory Really Good for All Fitness Levels

Yes! Orangetheory is specifically designed to cater to all fitness levels. You can go at your own pace, and there are modifications you and your coaches can make for each exercise. So even if you haven’t worked out in a while, you’ll have no problem feeling comfortable and in your element during an Orangetheory workout.

What Are the Health Benefits of Orangetheory Fitness?

Health Benefits of Orangetheory Fitness

We all know that exercise of any kind is beneficial for your physical and mental health, but what are the specific benefits of Orangetheory? “Orangetheory utilizes heart rate-based HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts,” explains Hinckley. “HIIT workouts are an efficient form of exercise. HIIT can help you burn more calories in a short amount of time, increase your metabolic rate, aid in fat loss and muscle growth!” 

So it’s perfect for those who want to lose weight, improve their overall health, and build muscle. And what doesn’t sound great about that? “Not only are HIIT workouts effective, but they are also fun!” says Hinckley. “They are one of my personal favorite workouts because you never get bored of doing the same thing.” 

And we can’t forget the inherent benefits of regular exercise, according to the CDC, on improving heart and mental health, decreasing your risk for many chronic diseases and cancers, boosting hours of good quality sleep, and much more.

How Does It Differ From Other High-Intensity Workouts Like F45 and HIIT?

Differ From Other High-Intensity Workouts Like F45 and HIIT

Unlike other group fitness classes, in an Orangetheory class, you aren’t doing the exact same thing as the people next to you. Your primary focus is on your own individual effort (or “Splat Points”) and getting into the orange and red zones. 

Orangetheory also differs from popular workout programs like CrossFit because it contains more cardio and high-intensity interval training than weight lifting (though it does have strength training). This makes it a good workout option for anyone (no matter your current fitness level) wanting to burn calories and get in shape but know little about the skills and techniques behind weight training.

Orangetheory is also different from just doing cardio and HIIT training at your local gym because the technology and the uplifting group setting keep you motivated and hold you accountable. Plus, you’re in and out within an hour.

What Do I Need To Get Started?

Getting started with Orangetheory

Getting started with Orangetheory is pretty simple: find the location nearest to you and book a class online or by calling your local studio. If it’s your first class, Orangetheory advises that you arrive a few minutes before your class starts (no longer than 30 minutes to avoid congregating). 

You’ll get set up with an OTbeat Heart Rate Monitor, meet your coach, and get cued in on the workout. Your local Orangetheory may still be following CDC Covid-19 guidelines. When you walk in, crew members will take your temperature, ask that you sanitize your hands, and complete a quick verbal symptom checklist. You may also be required to wear a mask during your workout. For any questions on what guidelines you need to follow, contact your local studio.

When it comes to equipment, you only need to bring your essentials (think phone, keys, water bottle, and a sweat towel). Wear comfortable workout gear and supportive footwear that won’t distract you during your workout or lead to any injuries.

What Diet/Food Groups Are Recommended for Someone Taking Part in Orangetheory Fitness and Why Is It Important To Follow This?


Eating a well-balanced diet is always a good start to improving your health and fitness, and that’s precisely what Hinckley recommends. “I always recommend eating a well-balanced diet that consists of whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables.

Aim for eating a rainbow a day to help ensure you are receiving a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,” she suggests. “Focus on consuming mostly whole foods but occasionally allowing for a treat or two can help you stay on track. It is always important to create habits that you will be able to sustain long term.”

How Can Eating Right Impact Your Performance and Health Alongside Orangetheory Fitness?


For an hour-long workout session filled with HIIT, cardio, and strength training, making sure you are filling your body with energy-dense foods is critical for optimal performance. “Fueling your body properly with high-quality carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats, along with adequate water intake, can improve energy levels, mood, concentration, and lead to better performance,” says Hinckley. 

“Before a workout that is of high-intensity or longer than 90 minutes, consuming a carbohydrate, such as a banana, can help you feel more energized and perform your best. After a workout, eating a balanced meal or snack can help replenish energy and promote muscle growth! My go-to post-workout snack is peanut butter crackers and a protein water. It’s the perfect combination of carbs, protein, healthy fat, and water!

An Example Meal Plan Whilst Taking Part in Orangetheory Fitness

Eating a well-balanced diet is all about, well, balance. “I love the 80/20 rule and believe it is important for maintaining sustainable results,” recommends Hinckley. “80% of the time eat whole foods that nourish your body and 20% indulge a little bit!” Here’s what Hinckley has planned for a full, balanced day of eating pre and post Orangetheory workout:

Pre-Workout Snack:

  • Banana

Post Orange Theory Workout:


  • Avocado toast with an egg



  • Salad with chicken & crackers


  • Greek yogurt & berries


  • Salmon with sweet potato and asparagus
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How to Deadlift With Proper Form Fri, 06 Aug 2021 15:00:15 +0000 …]]> If you’re on the lookout for a strong move that packs a powerful punch, look no further than the deadlift. This movement is one of the most popular within the powerlifting and weight training community, and for good reason: you learn how to pick heavy objects off of the floor safely.

This exercise isn’t just popular among athletes though; the general population can also improve overall performance and functional movement with the deadlift. There are several variations on how to do a deadlift, but the most important thing to remember across all methods is this – and that is to do the deadlift with the proper form.

What Muscles do Deadlifts Work?


Before we get started into proper form and technique with the deadlift, let’s take a look at the muscles that the deadlift utilizes. This exercise can be considered a full-body movement. Even though we might initially think the lower body is doing most of the work, the deadlift engages the glutes, quads, hamstrings, abdominals, erector spinae, traps, lats, rhomboids, and even the obliques, when done correctly. 

Regardless of which type of deadlift you choose to do, they all require the ability to maintain core engagement and stabilization in order to protect your lower back and spine; a solid engagement of the core also helps to prevent your upper back from rounding and can prevent the lower back from arching as you pull or lower throughout the movement. 

Benefits of Deadlifts


There is a reason why deadlifts are one of the top weightlifting movements, and that’s because they work! Not only do you get improved strength throughout the lower body, but the core and upper body are strengthened as well.

Deadlifts aid in activating the glutes and hamstrings, which are necessary for activities that involve the extension of the hip complex. If you’re into sports that require jumping, deadlifts are beneficial for that as well – power can be significantly increased when incorporating deadlifts into a full-body workout routine

Deadlifts are also beneficial for improving core strength and decreasing lower back pain, which is one of the biggest injuries among adults. The movement of the deadlift requires activation of the core and its surrounding musculature and stabilization of the core and the spine are increased with proper deadlift form and technique.

This in turn can aid in reducing pain in the lower back, dependent upon the source of the pain and/or injury. Remember though – always speak to your doctor and see if performing deadlifts properly can aid in improving your lower back pain before beginning. 

Proper Form for a Deadlift

In a deadlift, the main functional movement is a hinge through the hips; with that being said, there needs to be excellent mobility not only through the hips but through the knees and ankles as well in order to execute the movement correctly. Remember to keep the barbell and corresponding weight as close to the body as possible throughout the entire movement to aid in decreasing pressure off of the spine and lower back.

To begin, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with the barbell in front of you (weight plates already added on can bring the barbell up to shin height). Hinge forward at the hips and sink your hips down and back, similar to a squat, while also keeping the core engaged and chest elevated. With shoulders down and back, grip the bar with hands just outside your legs; you can have both hands gripping with palms facing down, or you can do an over-under grip with one palm facing up and the other facing down, whichever is more comfortable (you might find that as the weight increases, the over-under grip is more stable).

From here, think about dropping into your hips (with your weight spread evenly between your feet) and retracting your shoulder blades down and back; pull ever so slightly on the bar till you hear a “click” – this means you have the bar and the weight engaged. With the core engaged, push your weight through your feet to begin the lift. Without rounding the shoulders, stand up so that the barbell rises at the same time as your hips – keeping it very close to the body in order to avoid rounding or arching of the spine. At the very top of your standing position, glutes should be activated, chest lifted, and shoulders down and back while you stand tall. 

Pause for a moment at the top, and then reverse the movement to bring the barbell back to the floor. You can also implement negatives into this portion of a deadlift, stick with touch and go deadlifts, or even attempt a one-rep max. 

Another popular form of deadlifts is a straight-leg deadlift or stiff-leg. This type of deadlift is going to bring more focus to the hamstrings, and might not be able to be done as heavily as a traditional deadlift. The main difference between a straight leg deadlift and a traditional one is just that – the legs stay straight (with soft knees, never locking them out) as opposed to the knees bending. It can definitely be a good way to switch up your deadlift program if you’re looking for ways to tweak your lifting and can integrate the hamstrings a bit more if desired.

Variety in Deadlifts


You don’t have to stick with just a barbell for deadlifts; thankfully, there are plenty of ways to incorporate this functional movement into your routine without a barbell. You can use dumbbells, a kettlebell, or even a sandbag for added resistance, and you can try variations like single-arm and single-leg deadlifts to change up your weight lifting program. 

Bottom Line

The deadlift is a versatile, compound movement that has a plethora of benefits, and can produce strong and powerful bodies – so long as it is performed correctly! Mistakes in performing the deadlift (such as rounding of the shoulders or spine, or trying to pick up the weight using your back instead of the legs and hips) can cause injury; with that being said, knowing the proper way to lift the barbell off of the floor can reduce the risk of potential injury, and improve overall strength and stability throughout the body.

Remember – start low and slow! Begin with just the barbell if needed, in order to perform the deadlift properly. Then, take your time adding weight plates and ensure the technique doesn’t falter with added resistance. Before you know it, you’ll be able to lift some heavy weights off of the floor – and you’ll be able to do it with proper form! 

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What Percentage Of Men Masturbate? We Look at the Prevalence, Frequency, and Benefits Thu, 05 Aug 2021 19:00:09 +0000 …]]> Recently there has been a more significant focus on a person’s sexual pleasure and the importance of identifying safe sexual preferences and activities. Yet, there is still so much shame centered around talking about one’s sexual desires and sexual activity in society. 

One of the more taboo topics that many feel uncomfortable talking about is masturbation. A survey found that 54% of people don’t feel comfortable talking about masturbation, yet millennials, unsurprisingly, were the most open-minded about discussing masturbation among all generations. 

Statistically, according to a 2018 Global Self Pleasure Report conducted by Tenga Co. Ltd., 78% of all adults in the world masturbate. However, when the survey respondents who were a part of the report were asked how many people they believe masturbate regularly, they underestimated the amount. Most of the respondents underestimated the number of people they believed to routinely masturbate by an average of 11%. 

There are many popular misconceptions surrounding masturbation. For example, many people believe the number of men who masturbate is significantly higher than the number of women who masturbate. Others believe men’s and women’s masturbation preferences to be wholly different, and some believe there to be hardly any benefits associated with personal pleasure. 

Additionally, some people are convinced that almost 100% of men masturbate regularly but is this the case? Should you have a burning desire to discover what percentage of men actually masturbate and some other key masturbation information continue reading this article. 

How Often Do Men Masturbate?


As many of us are aware, there is nothing wrong with self-love. However, many people often wonder how frequently men masturbate. Generally, men masturbate daily, weekly, a few times a month, or not at all. All these timeframes are within normal parameters, but they don’t really answer the question. 

To better understand how often men masturbate, we need to examine a 2009 study conducted by the renowned National Survey of Sexual Health and behavior. The findings from this study were fascinating. It should be noted that the group of men that were studied were all between the ages of 25 and 29 years old. 

According to the study, 17% of the men in the study had not masturbated in the last year, while 15% of men in the study had masturbated a few times each year. The findings also demonstrated that 25% of men within the 25 to 29-year-old age group masturbated a few times a month to weekly while 23% masturbated two to three times each week.

Moreover, it was discovered that approximately 20% of men masturbated more than four times each week. Furthermore, a 2008 study that examined men and women between the ages of 16 and 44 found that 73% of men masturbate every month. In contrast, 37% of women masturbate every month. 

What Percentage of Men Masturbate?


Now it’s time to examine the burning question of what percentage of men masturbate. Contrary to popular belief, not all men masturbate and the actual numbers based on study findings might surprise you. 

A masturbation study conducted by Tenga revealed that 88% of all respondents had masturbated. It was shown that of the men who responded, 95% of them admitted to masturbating, while out of the women respondents, 81% admitted to masturbating. 

Additionally, a study conducted by Indiana University cited that approximately 75% of straight men admitted to masturbating within a one-month timeframe.


Five Thirty Eight/National Survey of Sexual Health and Behaviour

Are Married Men Less Likely To Masturbate?


Another popular point of discussion centers around if married men are less likely to masturbate than their single counterparts. The answer to this popular question is somewhat complex as usually several factors need to be considered. Yet, it should be noted that for most married couples, masturbation is a part of their sexual lives. 

Even though masturbation is increasingly common with married couples, not every married man is going to masturbate, and this is because of a number of reasons. For example, married men might not feel the need to masturbate, their spouse might not be comfortable with them masturbating, or there might not be enough trust in the relationship to promote masturbation. 

Ultimately each marriage is different, and what works for one marriage will not work for another. However, research has shown that on average single people masturbate 16 times monthly while those in a committed relationship masturbate 10 times a month. 

How Men Masturbate vs. How Women Masturbate


Interestingly there are subtle differences between the masturbation habits of men and women. According to a We-Vibe study that polled 1032 people, men and women have different masturbation routines, desires, and patterns. 

The study revealed that one in three men think about a celebrity when they are masturbating. Additionally, when looking at the findings, it was revealed that the main celebrities men most often picture while masturbating include Jennifer Lopez, Carrie Underwood, Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, and Beyonce. 

In comparison, only one in five women think about a celebrity while masturbating. The most commonly thought of male celebrities that women picture when masturbating include Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum, Justin Timberlake, and Johnny Depp. 

Another study by Bespoke Surgical in 2019 concurred with We-Vibe, finding 34.4% of American’s fantasies about celebrities in the bedroom. This was closely followed by ex-romantic partners (33.6%), friends (33%), and pornstars (28.8%).


Bespoke Surgical

A finding from the We-Vibe study revealed that most men follow masturbation routines. According to the data, 69% of men will watch pornography, listen to music, look at photos or use a vibrator each time they masturbate. In comparison, only 54% of females will do the same thing. 

The study by Bespoke Surgical agreed with the We-Vibe findings, with the majority of men surveyed stating they’re 1.8x more likely to watch porn while masturbating. A surprising 22% of women never watch porn, while only 6% of men admitted to wanking without the visual aid of porn.


Bespoke Surgical

The most commonplace for masturbation is the bedroom, but another favorite spot is a car. Why people are getting off in a car solo is anyone’s guess, but when interviewed, 20% of men admitted to masturbating in a car, but only 19% of women admitted to doing the same thing. Another thoroughly interesting comparison between men and women is that men believe in watching adult content to spice up their love lives while women believe in incorporating toys.

The We-Vibe study found that 91% of males believe in watching adult content to spice up their masturbation routines with themselves and their partners. In contrast, only 67% of women believe in watching adult content, while 53% believe in incorporating sex toys to better their sexual activities. 

The Benefits Associated With Masturbation


There are many known benefits to masturbation. One of the key benefits associated with masturbation is improved sexual health through the promotion of intimacy with one’s self. Masturbation also helps with the prevention of highly transmissible diseases such as STIs and HIV, and it helps prevent teen pregnancies. 

Below we have identified some of the other sexual and general health benefits associated with masturbation. 

  • Masturbation helps people relax, and it promotes better sleep.
  • Masturbation can effectively relieve sexual tension while allowing people to explore their sexuality confidently.
  • Masturbation causes feelings of mental and physical well-being due to the release of opioid-like neurotransmitters. 
  • Masturbation is an excellent form of sexual activity that is available to all people, no matter their gender. 
  • Masturbation helps people become aware of what they find pleasurable, which is beneficial to those in relationships. 
  • Masturbation helps relieve menstrual cramps and alleviates pain. 

The Myths Surrounding Masturbation


Unsurprisingly, there are many myths surrounding masturbation. Unfortunately, many people feel ashamed of masturbating because of outdated myths, even though most of them have been debunked numerous times. Below are a few of the common masturbation myths that many still believe.

  • If you masturbate, you will go blind. 
  • If you masturbate, you will become infertile. 
  • If you masturbate, you will develop mental health issues. 
  • If you masturbate, you will have reduced sexual function. 
  • If you masturbate, you are practicing sexual perversion. 
  • If you masturbate, you will get hairy palms. 
  • If you masturbate, you will develop penis curvature. 
  • If you masturbate, your penis will shrink. 
  • If you masturbate, you will develop a low sperm count. 
  • If you masturbate, you will become physically weak.  

Can Men Masturbate Too Much?


As with any sexual activity, it is essential to uncover if there are any potential hazards to your physical or mental well-being. A frequent question many men ask is if they can masturbate too much. Usually, most people, including men, don’t need to be concerned about masturbating too much. Scientifically speaking, there is no definitive measure as to how much masturbation is too much as each person’s health is measured differently. 

Yet if not done in moderation, there can be significant negative drawbacks. Should your masturbation habits be causing you physical, mental, relational, or emotional distress, it could be an indicator that you are masturbating too frequently. Below we have pointed out a few signs you should be aware of that could indicate that your masturbation habit isn’t healthy. 

  • When masturbating feels like a need rather than a personal choice. 
  • Your masturbation habits are not allowing you to have a satisfying sex life with your partner. 
  • When you masturbate, and it no longer feels pleasurable because of numbness, pain, or a loss of pleasure sensations. 
  • Masturbating is getting in the way of your daily life and work duties because of how often you feel the need to masturbate. 

The Take-Away

Essentially it can be determined that masturbation plays a significant role in men’s lives, with 95% of men having practiced masturbation. However, although masturbation plays a slightly less important role in women’s lives, women are almost masturbating as much as men. 

Additionally, men are sexually active more often than women, and they have different sexual habits, routines, and preferences when compared to women. Again these differences are not as significant as many believe. Moreover, masturbation has many health benefits that shouldn’t be easily dismissed. It’s likely that as the years progress, the divide between how many men and women masturbate will narrow. 

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F45 101: Everything You Need To Know About F45 Training Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:00:45 +0000 …]]> The fitness industry is booming with different classes and programs from Soul Cycle to CrossFit popping up studios across the globe. But there’s one fitness craze that you may not have heard of yet. Enter F45 Training (we’ll get into what that stands for later). But what you need to know now is that this fitness phenomenon is making huge headways all over the world with its emphasis on team training, technology, and time efficiency. 

So if you’re bored of your same go-to workouts or need to burn a little more calories in the gym (or a lot more), F45 Training may be just what you need. To learn everything you need to know about F45 Training, keep on reading.

What Is F45 Training?

F45 Training

F45 Training stands for functional training in 45 minutes. The functional training combines a mixture of circuit and HIIT-style workouts that incorporate everyday movements. F45 studios have thousands of exercises in their terminal, so the workouts are always fresh. But don’t let the term “functional movements” fool you; their heart-pumping workouts are bound to have you dripping in sweat. 

Functional training is a type of exercise classification that involves training for activities performed in daily life and is designed to help individuals move better during their day-to-day activities. The exercises are typically full body or will use multiple different muscle groups.

The creators behind F45 stand by three key factors for every workout: motivation, innovation, and results. F45 Training workouts are designed to unify all the muscle groups in your body and ensure that you’re able to feel and perform better and more effortlessly in all aspects of your life (hinting back at that functionality component). 

From its beginnings in Australia, F45 Training is now a global fitness community with over one thousand gyms and outlets opened around the world. F45 Training is team-based, meaning that you’ll be doing these high-intensity workouts in groups with trainers by your side to guide you along the way. Their motto is “Team Training. Life Changing.” Which we love.

Their trainers and workout experts are nothing short of legit. The company has its own Athletics Department where they collect information from the top training professionals, athletes, and exercise scientists from all over the world to inform each workout, develop new ones, and keep each training session fresh, effective, and up to date.

What Does a Typical Session Look Like?


Badon Hill Studio /

Each of the F45 classes is a unique HIIT-style workout that incorporates cardio, resistance-based strength training, or both. So after booking your session, head to your local F45 studio, where one of their experienced trainers will greet you and get you set up. You and the other members of that day’s session will then gather around the studio as the trainers demonstrate the exercises. 

Next, you’ll head straight into a warm-up before going to your first station. Throughout the class, you and the other members will rotate through different stations and perform that station’s specific exercise under the guidance of one of F45’s trainers.

But how can you be sure that each of F45’s workouts is going to be unique? F45 designers and exercise experts have planned each workout from a selection of over 1,000 different movements. They can then vary the workout plan by exercise type, number of stations, how long you’ll be at each station, and amount of rest time. 

Each day also has a designated plan that impacts the workout algorithm. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are for cardio, while Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays focus on resistance training. And Saturdays? Saturdays are a blend of cardio and resistance training. No rest for the wicked. 

How Is F45 Different from CrossFit, Orangetheory, and Other Training Programs?

F45’s workouts uniqueness

F45’s functional HIIT style training may sound like some of those other training methods you’ve probably heard of before, like CrossFit and Orangetheory, to name a few. So what’s the difference? 

A lot of what makes F45’s workouts unique is their group style training that fosters a positive environment that is less about how you look and more about how you feel. F45 also uses technology to its benefit, creating an engaging, interactive experience that seamlessly helps guide you throughout your workout.

What Are the Benefits of F45 Training?


It’s Functional

The benefits of functional training can’t be understated – and F45’s exercise leaders agree. These full-body or multi-functional movements provide a range of benefits just by themselves, such as better energy levels, healthy body composition, improved sleep and metabolic function, less fat mass, and lower risks of stress, depression, and lifestyle diseases. 

It’s Effective

Let’s face it, most of us are busy. Sometimes too busy to squeeze a workout in. But F45 gives you an insane workout that targets a full range of muscles and burns loads of calories in less than an hour. Like other workouts that boost heart rate, build strength, and target fat, you can expect to see results through consistent exercise.

It’s Modern

F45 uses innovative technology in the form of televisions that guide you throughout your workout and even broadcast your heart rate. F45 Training is all about using music for that extra boost of motivation, with their own station “F45 FM” providing curated playlists that will motivate you throughout your workout. Psst, they even have classes with a live DJ on Saturdays. 

F45’s focus on tech will continue, and likely so will technology in other gym classes and programs around the globe. It’s all about marketability, personalization, and convenience these days. 

It’s Built on Community

F45 studios create an upbeat, community-based environment that encourages positivity, motivation, and goal meeting. Each workout has its own intimate group setting, or you can find support in the larger, international community of those doing F45 workouts across the globe.

This sense of community can really help encourage healthy habits and a more balanced lifestyle. Oh, and don’t be surprised if people want to high-five you – it’s part of the supportive group mentality. 

How Many Days a Week Should You Do F45 Training?

F45 Training Schedule

How often you train really depends on your schedule, goals, and so much more. You can technically do F45 seven days a week, but because the workouts are so intense, it’s best to include a rest day or stick to some lower impact exercise like walking on days you’re not doing F45.

Many frequent goers head to the F45 studio four to five days a week. But like we said, it’s a personal preference.

How Many Calories Do You Burn in a Session?


F45 claims to be one of the most time-efficient ways of physical training, burning over 750 calories in just one 45 minute session. Which is about the equivalent of one crispy chicken sandwich with bacon (not including the fries).

And because F45 uses HIIT training, you’re going to keep burning calories for up to 48 hours after the workout, thanks to a boosted metabolic rate. However, everyone’s calorie burn is unique depending on your body, resting heart rate, and how hard you work, so you might not hit those exact numbers.

How Much Does It Cost?


Michael Vi/Shutterstock

Each F45 studio is individually owned, so membership prices will vary slightly depending on your location. You can check with your local studio for exact pricing, but it’s not too expensive and well worth the money. 

Top 6 Tips for F45 Training for Newbies


1. You Are Already Ready

Though the workouts might sound intimidating, F45 classes are scaled for any age and fitness level. So even if you haven’t worked out all year, you don’t have to be scared to get back in the groove of things because F45 is designed to help you succeed and get the most out of your workout. 

F45 studios also emphasize a positive environment built on community and lack of pressure. You won’t find any mirrors or microphones during your classes, so you can focus less on what’s going on around you and more on having fun and getting a good workout.

2. Check the Screens

F45 emphasizes their technologically advanced TV screens for a reason! So don’t forget about them. The screens are there to help guide you through the workout, keep track of how much time is left in a round, monitor your heart rate, and give you a preview of the next exercise. 

3. Don’t Skimp on Nutrition

Exercise alone won’t do much for helping you lose weight or maintain your physique. Nutrition is key. So just because you burn over 700 calories in one workout doesn’t mean that you can go home and eat whatever you want for the rest of the day (you may have earned it, but it’s not going to get you the results you’re looking for). 

If you don’t know where to start, F45 gives all of their members access to their personal nutrition program designed to help you achieve your health goals by giving you daily meal inspo, community support, and the option to track your daily diet. Definitely don’t overlook this huge benefit of being a part of the F45 community.

4. Dress for Success

Figuring out what to wear for a workout is sometimes the most daunting part of it all. For F45, you don’t need any special equipment or gym wear, just some quality athletic clothes that will allow you to move in a whole range of motion. And a good pair of sneakers is always essential.

5. Get There Early

If it’s your first class, F45 recommends you get there 10 minutes early so your trainer can get you set up before class starts and walk you through what to expect on that day’s session.

6. Muscle Recovery

After a long week (or even just a day) of intense F45 workouts, your muscles are going to need some rest and recovery. Taking time to stretch and use a foam roller to massage those muscles post-workout will help alleviate and prevent muscle soreness. An Epsom salt bath post-workout is also amazing for alleviating soreness and aiding in muscle recovery. 

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Everything You Need to Know About the Ketogenic Diet Mon, 24 May 2021 17:00:15 +0000 …]]> With the keto diet, you can lose weight fast, boost energy and athletic performance, fight disease, and more. But just like every diet there’s a catch: you’ve got to seriously cut back on the carbs. Sounds easy enough, right? (For some of us anyway).

But before you part ways with (or get torn away from) your beloved carbs, we’ve caught up with Jenn LaVardera, MS RD CDN. LaVardera’s a registered dietitian, nutrition expert, and wellness specialist based in the Hamptons. She helps clients build a positive relationship with food, focusing on wellness, enjoyment, and balance.

So, what does she have to share about the keto diet? We’re hungry to find out.

What’s a Ketogenic Diet and How Does it Work?


According to LaVardera, the basic lowdown is that “the ketogenic diet is essentially a diet that restricts carbohydrates.” Sure, simple enough. “It was designed about 100 years ago,” she explains, “originally as a diet to treat children with epilepsy. In that case, it was meant to be about 75% fat, 2-4% carbohydrates, and the rest of the diet from protein.” But for the average adult looking to explore this new lifestyle, these numbers aren’t what you want to follow. 

“As a weight loss diet for adults, the percentages are typically about 60% fat, 25% protein, and 15% carbohydrates, which is about 20 grams to a maximum 50 grams carbohydrates per day,” she says. Which makes more sense, given that carbohydrates are needed to fuel some of your body’s most necessary operations such as the brain, kidneys, heart, and central nervous systems.

When we consume carbohydrates, our body then converts them into glucose, the simplest energy form our body can use and because of this, it’s our body’s go-to. The way a ketogenic diet works is by restricting or depleting the body of carbohydrates (the main source of fuel our body uses), when we do this our body quickly shifts and adjusts to using stored fat as fuel – this is how so many keto dieters lose weight.

What’s the State of Ketosis and Why do People Want to Reach it?


Attached at the hip to the keto diet is “ketosis,” which is essentially the goal of the diet. “Ketosis,” LaVardera explains, “is a metabolic process where the body turns stored fats into compounds called ketone bodies (ketones).” Our liver plays a key role in virtually all metabolic processes in the body and is specifically responsible for breaking down fat and using its byproducts (ketones) to produce energy. 

And these tiny ketones happen to be extremely beneficial byproducts. “We can use ketones for energy when there are not enough carbohydrates available,” says LaVardera. Plus, they offer some benefits that other molecules simply aren’t made to replicate. 

“Unlike other fats, ketones can cross the blood-brain barrier and provide energy to the brain.” Which explains why so many people (and some scientific studies too) have raved about the keto diet’s ability to boost brain power and function. Since the brain consumes nearly 20% of the body’s total calories every day, it’s essential that this energy-hungry powerhouse gets the nutrients it needs to keep us up and running.

Ketones have also been shown to benefit the brain as an antioxidant, protecting the brain from damage. They work to increase the brain cell’s mitochondrial efficiency and stability, shielding us from neurodegenerative diseases down the line.

So to get into a state where the body is using ketones, you need to do a little work. “To initiate ketosis,” explains LaVardera, “it takes about three days of fasting or eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.” We suggest the latter, obviously. 

Many people rave about the benefits of achieving ketosis, but mainly for the dramatic weight loss. “As a weight loss diet, ketosis can be helpful because the body starts breaking down stored fat,” LaVardera says, “and research shows metabolism doesn’t slow down ketosis.” In addition to helping break down fat, “ketosis may also be helpful for suppressing appetite by increasing the satiety hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) and preventing an increase in the hunger hormone ghrelin.”

What Are the Health Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet?


“Outside of its use for epilepsy, the main benefit of a ketogenic diet is weight loss,” she explains. But the health benefits don’t necessarily end there. “There’s also some evidence there may be some benefits for brain health and memory, longevity, improving sleep, and reducing inflammation,” says LaVardera.

We’ve spoken briefly about the benefits of ketosis for brain health and memory. But it’s worth noting that the ketogenic diet continues to be studied for its ability to improve brain function, most of them discovering that the keto diet improved cognitive functioning and alertness in children with epilepsy. Though more research is certainly needed on the correlation between this diet and one of our body’s most important organs as adults. 

When it comes to longevity, which refers to expanding one’s duration of quality, healthy time alive, it turns out the keto diet could support this quest for a longer, fuller life. Scientific studies found correlations between a ketogenic diet and better memory, motor function, and an increased lifespan. This is likely due to the ketogenic diet’s ability to mimic fasting or calorie restriction, which has been proven to have comparable benefits. 

Dedicated followers of the diet – as well as scientists – have found that it’s not uncommon to have trouble sleeping when first starting out, primarily due to the massive decrease in carbohydrate intake. While some research has found that over time the high-fat diet can promote a deeper, more restful sleep, other studies have found that this diet is more-so linked to disruptive sleep. So it might just be up to trial and error in seeing how the keto diet affects you. 

But one thing is for sure, the keto diet has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. By going into ketosis, your body uses fats for energy rather than sugars which can be inflammatory. Though some amount of inflammation in the body is necessary for proper functioning, a little less of the bad kind can make you feel more energized, less in pain, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

See more about - 8 Keys To A Healthy Diet

What Are the Health Risks of a Ketogenic Diet?


But the keto diet isn’t all about gains, and there are some health risks you should be aware of before starting. “The diet is super restrictive,” says LaVardera. And when it comes to dieting, restriction rarely leads to good things. 

“There are important nutrients we get from foods that contain carbohydrates and this diet restricts nutritionally dense foods like whole grains, fruits, and even vegetables.” And there are only a few exceptions to this rule. “Berries are among the only fruits there is room for on this diet due to their somewhat low sugar content and even they need to be eaten in very small amounts.” 

LaVardera also flags the high fat and animal products, such as the butter and meat needed to get in enough fat and protein as potentially worrisome. “There are also concerns about eating too many animal products and eating a diet high in saturated fat, which can increase the risk of heart disease,” she says.

Who Should Avoid a Ketogenic Diet?


Much of LaVardera’s practice is about coaching her clients on developing and maintaining a healthy long-term relationship with food, and the ketogenic diet doesn’t really tick her boxes. “I typically prefer to focus on long-term lifestyle changes,” she says. 

“I most likely wouldn’t recommend this diet for anyone unless medically necessary because it’s so restrictive and not sustainable.” This is totally understandable, especially when you consider all of the fiber, micronutrients, and basic energy sources that the keto diet leaves out. Also, there really isn’t much evidence that suggests it’s safe or effective in the long term. 

If you decide to go on the ketosis diet, make sure it’s only a short-term fix. “That said, people who should definitely not pursue this diet include anyone with an eating disorder due to how restrictive it is and people at risk for heart disease as a high-fat diet is linked with increased risk of heart attack,” says LaVardera. 

What Type of Foods Should You Eat and Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet?


Like all other diets, there are foods that are perfectly fine and those that are completely forbidden. ”Foods people can eat fairly freely on this diet include proteins such as chicken, meat, fish and eggs and fats such as butter and oils.” Why? “These foods do not contain carbohydrates,” LaVardera explains.

“Foods people can eat moderately as they contain some carbohydrates include avocados, cheese, yogurt, nuts, and leafy green vegetables.” And what about those foods closer to off-limits? You might be surprised. “Foods to eat in small amounts include non-starchy vegetables and berries,” she says.

“Foods that must be avoided include grains, starchy vegetables, most fruit and alcohol” – which isn’t that surprising. So now that you have the basics of what foods you can and cannot eat on a ketogenic diet, one question remains.

How do you build filling, keto-friendly snacks and meals? Below, LaVardera’s given us the perfect example day of the ketogenic diet so you can see what’s on the menu. FYI – it’s pretty delicious. 

An example day of the ketogenic diet:


  • 3 eggs scrambled with spinach, cooked in butter, and topped with avocado
  • A handful of raspberries
  • Coffee with MCT oil


  • Salad of romaine lettuce and diced cucumber (no skin), drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice, topped with sliced grass-fed steak cooked in butter, topped with goat cheese


  • A handful of blackberries and pecans


  • Zucchini noodles tossed in olive oil
  • Grilled shrimp
  • Sliced avocado

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The 9 Best Dumbbell Sets for Your Home Gym Thu, 08 Apr 2021 21:00:59 +0000 …]]> Staying healthy has never been more important and it’s a great idea to get a home gym to build up your strength and fitness. Exercise is not only an excellent way to keep your body healthy and fit but is also vital for a healthy mind as well.

One of the best additions to your home gym is dumbbells. They’re versatile, effective in building strength and can be used in almost any type of workout. 

Choosing an adequate dumbbell set can be one of the most crucial steps in achieving your fitness goals. It can be hard to decide which one to choose because there are so many different options available. 

Although your budget is often a crucial factor, you should also consider how you intend to use your dumbbells. Adjustable sets may be more costly, but they are also more versatile and take up less space.

Here we will look at the nine best dumbbells sets available on the market that would be the perfect addition to your home gym. Let’s get started!

Best Buy

1. ATIVAFIT Adjustable Dumbell

ATIVAFIT Adjustable Dumbbell Fitness Dial Dumbbell with Handle and Weight Plate for Home Gym Note: Single (71.5 lbs)

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If you are looking for adjustable dumbbells that allow you a weight change from 5 lbs to 70 lbs in a matter of seconds, these ones should be perfect for you. Plus, you will save a bunch of space with these, as they combine seven sets of weights into one and come with a plastic tray for easy storage.

Made out of durable materials, these dumbbells are finished with black paint which is water and scratch-resistant. Their design is not only stylish but it’s also comfortable to grip thanks to the rubber-covered handles. They aren’t too wide, making them easy to use for men and women equally.

Whether you are a newbie at exercising with dumbbells or not, with these Ativafit adjustable dumbbells, you can exercise every area of your body. They allow you a controlled range of motion, plus the adjustability makes them perfect for moving up with weight as you improve your stamina and muscle strength.

2. Bowflex Home Gym Series

Bowflex SelectTech 1090 Adjustable Dumbbell (Single)

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The clever design of these Bowflex dumbbells is not only space-efficient, but it also has an easy dial system. You can adjust the weight resistance from 10 lbs to 90 lbs, with increments as small as 5 lbs. This a higher range than similar products offer and will be helpful for gradually increasing your strength all the way up to a heavy-duty training level.

Plus, it will save a ton of money that you would have spent buying up to 17 different sets of dumbbells, all of which these Bowlex ones can replace in one single set.

Their molding around metal plates is durable and provides for a smooth lift-off. Due to their hexagonal design, they won’t roll away either once you put them down. This will make your workouts much quieter, which for some users might be a great plus, especially if they are living in an apartment building.

3. CAP Coated Dumbell

CAP Barbell Coated Hex Dumbbell with Contoured Chrome Handle, Single, 25 Pounds

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Available in sizes from 3 lbs to 120 lbs, these CAP dumbbells offer the ability to target specific muscle groups and boost your balance while efficiently burning calories. If you’re a fan of full-body and HIIT workouts, they can serve as added resistance during those workouts as well.

The heads are made from high-quality iron with a durable rubber coating and are joined by a solid cold rolled steel chromed handle. The dumbbells are perfectly balanced and are also hexagonally shaped, which prevents rolling and makes them more stable for some exercises. The medium depth knurling on the ergonomic handle provides a comfortable and secure grip even with sweaty hands.

These CAP dumbbells provide an excellent value for their price as they are made of durable materials, are super easy to use, and even easier to clean. You just wipe them off from the sweat, store them in any dry place, and they will be ready for your next session.

4. Amazon Basics Vinyl Coated Dumbbells

Amazon Basics Vinyl 20 Pound Dumbbells - Set of 2, Grey

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These Amazon dumbbells already come in sets of two dumbbells and are available in weight levels from 2-20 lbs. They are ideal for most fitness classes or at-home workouts, plus these handheld weights are a good addition if you want to intensify your resistance training. Using these regularly, you can sculpt muscles and burn more calories during any workout and even with smaller weights.

Made from steel and coated in vinyl, this set has a strong grip that will always stay securely in your hand and never slip. Besides providing you easier grasp, the vinyl coating can also protect your floor when doing exercises.

The dumbbells have a clearly printed weight number on each end. Plus, they are color-coded by weight to help you grab the right one. Compared to similar vinyl-coated products, this dumbbell set seems to have a better quality yet comes at a more budget-friendly price.

5. Rogue Rubber Hex Dumbbells

Rogue Rubber Hex Dumbbells

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These Rogue Rubber dumbbells can be the perfect budget-friendly addition to your home gym. They are sold in sets and are available from 2.5 lbs all the way up to 125 lbs. The ones up to 10 lbs have a 25 mm diameter handle, and those 12.5 lbs and up are equipped with a 35 mm handle.

Besides the versatility in weight choices, this set of dumbbells can be used to duplicate nearly all types of barbell exercises. At the same time, they offer a wide range of single-arm actions, whether it’s for rehab purposes or for explosive movements used in HIIT.

This standard rubber hex design is of excellent quality and longevity due to the rubber-encased heads. These also minimize noise and limit the wear and tear of the weights and your floor. Meanwhile, the chrome-plated handle is created for a firm but comfortable feel in any grip.

6. ShapeFitCore Adjustable Dumbell

ShapeFitCore Adjustable Dumbbell 45 lbs with Weight Plate for Home Gym - Fitness Weights with Turning Handles for Desired Weights for Full Body Workout and Fitness Training [1pc]

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The easy adjustment of these dumbbells allows you a quick weight switch between exercises without pausing too much between your sets. You just simply turn the handle and are able to adjust the weight from 5 to 45 lbs in no time at all. When you are done working out, just wipe them off and leave them on the tray that comes with them.

With the variable weight range of these ShapeFitCore adjustable dumbbells, it will be easy to do any form of exercise, from basic workouts to endurance training. They won’t just eliminate the need for multiple dumbbell sets, saving you money but they will also prevent cluttering your home gym unnecessary equipment.

Smooth and durable molded metal plates that ensure smooth lift-off, are joined by a handle grip with a perfect grip. It’s also made from rust-free material with a non-slip texture to prevent injuries. 

7. PowerBlock Sport 24 Adjustable Dumbbells

PowerBlock Sport 24 Adjustable Dumbbells

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With these PowerBlock adjustable dumbbells, you will be able to replace eight different pairs of dumbbells with just one set only. They have a weight range of 3-24 lbs per hand, and those can be increased in 3 lbs increments. The weight stacks are made of welded solid steel construction with a powder-coated finish.

They could be a great option if you’re looking to save space in your home gym. Plus, they are a lot more economical than similar adjustable dumbbells because they are sold in pairs and not separately.

The weights are changed in seconds by lying your dumbbell on a flat surface and using a selector pin, as you would do with a weight stack machine at the gym. Additionally, the handles are quite comfortable, yet they allow you a firm grip due to their contoured design. Their open design of the handle allows for an increased range of motion.

8. Nice C Adjustable Dumbbell

Nice C Adjustable Dumbbell Barbell Weight Pair, Free Weights 2-in-1 Set, Non-Slip Neoprene Hand, All-Purpose, Home, Gym, Office (Barbell 44LB or 22 LB Dumbbell Set)

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With its innovative form, this adjustable dumbbell set comes with a bar that you can attach to both dumbbells to transform them into a barbell.  This set comes with 12 weight plates, with the lowest weight of the dumbbells being 0.6 lbs and the highest 44 lbs along with the barbell. The weight plates are also adjustable, which allows you to customize the weight to your desired resistance setting.

You will only need to buy this Nice C dumbbell set and you’ll practically have half of your home gym equipment. The dumbbells can be used to sculpt your arms, while the barbell setup allows you to work on your leg muscles with dead-lifts or squats.

The handles are covered with slip-resistant neoprene, which allows you to feel safe while doing your workout. The secured grip and improved coordination are also ensured by the upgraded curve-shaped handlebar.

9. SMRTFT NUOBELL 80LB Dumbbells


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If you’ve been searching for a natural feeling set of dumbbells that is also adjustable, this SMRTFT set could be a great choice for you. It gives you the advantage of having dumbbells weighing from 5-80 lbs and are easy to use. 

Just click between the weights when you need to, and you will be able to adjust your resistance without even putting them down. With this set, you can do every dumbbell exercise and maximize your workout efficiency.

They are sold as a set, plus the packaging also includes portable cradles for both adjustable dumbbells. These are probably one of the best quality and most affordable dumbbells you can buy for your home gym. 

The machined steel weight plates are exceptionally durable, and that’s hard to find between plastic-coated exercise equipment, particularly in this price range. They will save you money and space while providing you with plenty of benefits.

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The 8 Best Posture Correctors for Men To Keep Your Spine Aligned Mon, 22 Feb 2021 17:30:03 +0000 …]]> Father time catches up to us all. Just like death and taxes, you can’t avoid the inevitable curse of back pain brought on from slouching or hunching over. Thanks to smartphones and more time spent sitting at a desk, maintaining good posture, keeping your spine aligned, and avoiding back pain, is more challenging than ever.  Limited by time, ability, or accessibility, we can’t always find the opportunity to correct “bad” posture through expensive doctor’s appointments or massage therapies.

Fortunately, with so much focus being placed on self-improvement these days, there are plenty of simple and easy-to-use solutions for keeping your spine in check, that also won’t break the bank.

From back braces to electronic vibration devices, there are several methods to keep you standing upright and pain-free. To ensure you maintain perfect posture and prevent the debilitating impact of chronic back pain – currently affecting 16 million adults in the USA – here are the eight best posture correctors for men to keep your spine aligned.


Best Buy

1. FlexGuard Back Brace Posture Corrector

Back Brace Posture Corrector for Men & Women - Adjustable Back Straightener for Posture Correction - Builds Muscle Memory - Provides Neck, Shoulder, Lower & Upper Back Pain Relief (Large)


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Providing protection and support for your neck, shoulders, lower and upper back, there’s a reason the FlexGuard Back Brace Posture Corrector is our Best Choice when it comes to posture correction systems. Designed to train your muscles and spine to return to their natural alignment, the durable yet comfortable FlexGuard Back Brace Posture Corrector employs cushioned straps to pull your shoulders back. At the same time, the waistband supports the middle and lower back. 

Backed by an included posture guide, it takes only a few days of regular wear before you’ll be rocking the FlexGuard Back Brace Posture Corrector like a pro. Featuring breathable fabric that stays comfortable all day long, the brace can even be worn discreetly under clothing for covert back support. 


2. Upright Go 2




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Promising results in just two weeks, the Upright Go 2 is not only our Premium Pick; it’s a premium solution to bad posture and back pain that avoids the need for an actual posture correcting brace. Just attach the Upright Go 2 to your back or wear it as a necklace, and embark on your journey towards a better spine.

Powered by the Upright Mobile App, it’s the most advanced posture trainer yet. Designed for all-day use, the tiny device sits comfortably on your upper back.

Using biofeedback to track your posture, the device transmits gentle vibrations any time you slouch, teaching you to straighten up and fly right in just two weeks. Build healthy posture habits that will last a lifetime with Upright Go 2.


3. BackPainHelp Posture Hero Sports

BackPainHelp Posture Hero Sports for Men & Women - Award Winning Posture Support (Pink/Turquoise, Small/Medium)


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Keeping things super affordable without compromising on quality, the BackPainHelp Posture Hero Sports is an award-winning posture support system that improves both your posture and your performance. Extensively designed and developed, the BackPainHelp Posture Hero Sports is the perfect training accessory for deadlifts, squats, running, rowing, and plenty more sporting activities.

To help athletes be more conscious of their posture during workouts, the Posture Hero Sports brace features a high-quality hypoallergenic sweatproof material that makes it ideal for use under or over clothes.

Lightweight, discreet, and remarkably comfortable, it’s a highly affordable adjustable training support system for your spine. If you’re feeling a bit sore? Don’t worry. BackPainHelp is on the way.


4. Qualid Posture Corrector

Qualid Posture Corrector- Invisible Under Clothes, Men and Women, Body Fitting, One Size Fits All, High Quality, Thin and Comfortable (Black)


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Essentially invisible when worn under clothes, the Qualid Posture Corrector is designed for practically every body type. Correct slouching and lousy posture with Qualid’s posture corrector and its long-term solution that not only resists slouching but outright corrects it.

Leveraging long-term muscle memory, the Qualid Posture Corrector is a suitable solution for maintaining posture no matter how lazy you are.


5. VOKKA Posture Corrector

vokka Posture Corrector.


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The VOKKA is one hell of a posture correcting system. Looking almost like a full-sized backpack or baby carrier, the VOKKA Posture Corrector is a highly advanced solution for that bad back of yours.

Featuring a highly adjustable premium construction, the double X design and its dual brace plates ensure stable support to improve your posture. Made using breathable, strong, washable, and high-quality materials, it’s a long-lasting system that will keep you on the straight and narrow path towards a more muscular back.


6. EIVOTOR Posture Corrector Trainer

EIVOTOR Posture Corrector Trainer for Kids Women Men, Intelligent Sensor Vibration Reminder 【Upgraded】 Electronic Smart Humpback Straightener for Neck, Back and Shoulder Pain Relief


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Utilize the power of vibration to remind you to stand up straight with the EIVOTOR Posture Corrector Trainer. Going beyond the typical posture correction brace, the Intelligent Sensor Vibration helps to establish muscle memory, making it even easier to develop the habit of straightening up your spine.

Correct your posture scientifically and naturally with the EIVOTOR Posture Corrector Trainer. Recommended for use for up to 2 hours a day, you can develop a better posture in just 21 days, with a total of 90 days required to build muscle memory.


7. NYOrtho Back Brace Lumbar Support Belt

NYOrtho Back Brace Lumbar Support Belt - for Men and Women | Instantly Relieve Lower Back Pain | Maximum Posture and Spine Support, Adjustable, Breathable with Removable Suspenders | Medium 30-34 in.


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Who doesn’t love velcro? Designed by NASA as a brilliant solution to the lack of gravity in space, it features heavily in the NYOrtho Back Brace Lumbar Support Belt, making it one of the easiest posture correctors on our list in terms of usability.

Reinforced with four flexible polypro boning elements that join two tapered foam-padded side panels, the NYOrtho Back Brace Lumbar Support Belt is as durable as it is comfortable. Designed for all-day use, it keeps you supported no matter what you’re doing.


8. RiptGear Posture Corrector

RiptGear Posture Corrector


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Simple is best, and the RiptGear Posture Corrector is as simple as they come. Able to alleviate pain in the areas that hurt, the RiptGear Posture Corrector is a comfortable and supportive solution to your back pain and poor posture, made with materials that won’t itch or tug.

Created for people who do a lot of driving or sit at their desk for extended periods of time, this is the posture corrector for the everyday man.

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Best Celery Juice Powders for Health-Conscious Men Sun, 27 Dec 2020 12:28:09 +0000 …]]> If you’re intrigued by the celery juice craze but don’t own a juicer or have the time to juice your celery, celery juice powder is an easy alternative.

Celery powder can be easily mixed into water and has a long shelf life, making it a very convenient way to enjoy the health benefits of celery juice.

Like fresh celery, celery juice powder has many potential health benefits, including aiding in digestion, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood cholesterol, and helping you lose weight.

Additionally, celery juice powder contains minerals, vitamin A, C, K, B6, folate, and potassium.

If you are wondering which best celery juice powder to purchase, these reviews are for you.

1. LaPura Simply Celery Organic Celery Juice Powder

LaPura Organic Celery Juice Powder Supplement - Supports Gut Health, Natural Detox, Energy Boosting (30 Servings)

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This product is an excellent choice. It can help improve digestion and rejuvenate your skin, and contains anti-inflammatory nutrients, which may even improve your brain power.

A smoothie made with this juice powder will contain vitamins A, C, K, folate, calcium, B12, and iron. It’s ideal if you desire to lose weight or want to detox.

This powder comes from 100% organic celery stalks grown in the USA in nutrient-rich soil. The juice it makes is sugar-free and flavorless. It’s also GMO-free, vegan-friendly, free from gluten and suitable for those on a ketogenic diet.

Moreover, preparing the juice is simple. However, you may need to shake it from time to time.

To enjoy this juice, you can add it to smoothies and other healthy drinks. It’s best consumed in the morning, when it can help boost your energy levels.

2. KOYAH Organic USA Grown Celery Powder

KOYAH - Organic USA Grown Celery Powder (1 Scoop = 1/2 Cup Fresh): 50 Servings, Freeze-dried, Whole-Stalk Powder

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This organic celery powder is made by KOYAH. It uses celery that has been grown in the USA before being frozen to dry and then processed into powder form.
It is light green and tastes almost the same as fresh celery. The package comes with 50 scoops, with each scoop equivalent to 1/2 a cup of organic celery.

This powder is ideal for making juice and smoothies. It is convenient because it dissolves with ease in the water, saving you the preparation time and water usage.
It’s a bit expensive, but is free from additives, sugars, artificial colors, and is GMO-free.

3. Nature Restore Celery Juice Powder

Nature Restore Celery Juice Powder, 8 Ounces / 226 grams, For Detox, Gut & Heart Health

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This natural celery juice powder offers good value for money. It helps you to detox as it comes with essential antioxidants such as apigenin and luteolin. It also contains minerals and vitamins like A and C.

It is convenient and straightforward to make juices or smoothies from this powder, without needing to own a juicer.

The liquid has a strong taste of celery. You can add the powder to soups, salads, smoothies, or add it to water.

The juice powder is mixed with a little amount of non-GMO maltodextrin to avoid clumping.

It comes packed in a bag that can be closed after use and weighs 226 grams. During usage, it’s advisable to use one tablespoon. The product has 37 servings.

4. Garden Greens Celery Power

Garden Greens Celery Power Celery Juice Powder, Unflavored, Supports Healthy Digestion, 11.3 Ounce. (40 Servings)

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This product is manufactured by Garden Green and weighs 1.7 pounds. It’s created using natural celery powder.

Some of the great things about this powder are that it is rich in minerals and phytonutrients. The juice can help you reduce water weight, thus promoting the loss of body weight while remaining healthy.
It is also rich in antioxidants, enzymes and coenzymes, which will improve your immunity against infections and diseases.
This celery juice powder can help in detoxifying and cleansing the body. Also, the juice helps promote and increase in blood flow throughout the body, giving a boost to your entire circulatory system.

5. Micro-ingredients Organic Celery Juice Powder

Micro Ingredients Organic Celery Juice Powder, 20 Ounce (1.25 Pound), Celery Detox, Strongly Boosts Immune System, Energy and Supports Gut Health, Rich in Immune Vitamin C and Minerals, Vegan Friendly

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This organic celery powder is free from GMOs, additives, preservatives and soy. It’s also vegan friendly, and free from potential allergens such as nuts.

The product weighs 1.25 pounds. The powder contains several vitamins, including vitamins C, B complex, D and E.

The celery powder also contains amino acids, fibers, antioxidants and minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc.

Furthermore, this powder celery comes with a scoop to make measuring the perfect amount easy. It’s best to use it daily during or in between meals.

Consuming this juice is simple and convenient since you can easily add it to a shake or smoothie.

6. Iya Foods Celery Juice Whole Food Powder

100% CELERY WHOLE FOOD – Our celery juice powder is made from one ingredient only i.e. celery juice. Plant-Based, Non-GMO, Gluten-free naturally powerful whole vegetable powder

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This product is from Iya Foods and weighs 8 ounces. Serving this powder is really easy. You can use this powder juice at home, in the gym, or anywhere else.

This powdered celery juice saves you time and reduces the stress of cleaning a juicer. It is also convenient to use because you can prepare it as juice drinks, add it to smoothies, use when baking of bread or muffins, or add it to your favorite soup.

The celery juice powder comes with natural anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, coenzymes, vitamins and phytosterols to help boost your immunity.

The juice is perfect for an excellent digestive system. It cures and rejuvenates the gut by reestablishing hydrochloric acid. The juice powder also helps you cleanse, detox, reduce cholesterol and increase blood flow, which is good for a healthy heart. Also, it helps with weight control.

7. Paradise Naturals Organic Celery Powder

Celery Powder Organic for Healthy Digestion & Detox - Green Juice & Weight Loss Cleanse - Boost Immune System & Energy - (40 Servings) Natural Smoothie Supplement 

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This celery powder is from Paradise Naturals and contains folate, manganese, potassium, calcium, sodium, anti-inflammatory nutrients, vitamins A, C, K, and antioxidants.

This celery powder tastes good and is simple to dissolve. It can help you save the money and time you would have used in juicing and cleaning because it is mess-free and fuss-free.

Also, it is GMO-free and doesn’t contain any fillers.

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