27 Trendy Temple Fade Hairstyles for Men
The temple fade, or temp fade, is a type of haircut where hair gradually fades into the skin around the temples, making subtlety and versatility its key attributes.
Since its essential location is at the temples, this leaves room for a wide range of hairstyles on the rest of the head. This article will explore the variety of temp fade placements and the diverse hair textures, lengths, and styles it can be paired with.
See more about - 100+ Best Men’s Haircuts & Hairstyles
1. Low Temple Fade
This is the most subtle version of the . It is placed low enough that the highest point of the sideburns is just slightly visible as the blends into the skin. With facial , the head just briefly becomes short enough to clearly see skin before transitioning to the jaw and chin. This makes the temple less apparent when viewed from afar.
This placement of the is that it allows more on the sides for those who want to add more width to their faces. is appropriate for those who would like to try this style without grabbing too much attention. Another benefit of this type of
2. Mid Temple Fade
This is the most commonly thought of version of the . The midpoint of its transition sits right above the height of the ear, allowing it to be noticeable but not dominating over the head.
This also provides more space for the gradient of variant is a fitting style for those who want to blur their temple and neck hairlines while adding interest to their overall. to transition, allowing the to be more blended. The fading can optionally be brought back to the nape of the neck as well. This
3. High Temple Fade
This placement of the begins to blur the definitions between itself and other haircuts. The essential component of this placement is for the to blend up close to the top hairline.
While some versions may only blend the temple area, others may bring the blend further back behind the ear, almost resembling a burst . Some may even take this a step further and bring the to the back of the head, looking close to a .
Overall, the version of the has a debatable definition, giving room for different interpretations and presentations of this .
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4. Taper Temple Fade
Speaking of blurred definitions, the is essentially a longer version of the , where the is not blended down to the skin.
This still provides a gradient of length while allowing for more coverage from the and temple may be different haircuts, the temple is a style that includes elements of both. , which is also helpful for those who would like to add more width to their face. While the
5. Bald Temple Fade
Counter to a temple , the bald temple leaves a significant amount of skin hairless, which makes the hairline appear higher than it naturally is. This gives a more striking appearance to the look, with more contrast between the skin and .
The is ideal for someone who wants to take some width off their and make it appear longer. To maintain the baldness of this , it is necessary to touch up the edges of the every week.
6. Line Up Temple Fade
For those looking for more contrast in the form of lines, the can be combined with lineups on other areas of the head, such as the forehead and neck hairlines.
This lets the wearer take advantage of the gradualness of the while still having enough definition to the frame of their face. This is especially beneficial to those with rounder features who desire more edges to provide contrast. The squared lineup is an example that can help bring about this contrast.
7. Temple Fade with Straight Hair
With , sleeker styles are often paired with the . These include an array of options such as slicking back in a pompadour, putting forward with various lengths of bangs, keeping it short like a crew cut, or even adding in razor lines to spice up the .
Additionally, the transition of temple tends to be smoother, as the appears to grow in a more unified direction. Specific hairstyles for will be covered in more detail later in this article. down the
8. Temple Fade with Curly Hair
Whether natural or artificial, can look even more stylish with a . offers more bounce and body to the , allowing it to appear livelier.
The temple allows the volume of the to gradually transition into the width of the face. This combination is recommended for a person with a small forehead who would like it to appear larger. Haircuts and styles that suit blowouts, bangs, and different types of .
9. Temple Fade with Coily Hair
Many outstanding hairstyles can also be achieved with coily . can provide a more conservative, easier-to-maintain style that still shows off texture, while longer hairstyles can construct more bulk and give more power and personality to your . paired with the
Similar to , more voluminous hairstyles can be gradually blended to the head shape with a temple . Examples of what can be paired with the temple are closely cropped styles, waves, cornrows, dreadlocks, various sizes of afros, and afro puffs.
10. Waves with Temple Fade
Waves are a that is achieved when curly or coily is trained to stay in a tight pattern against the head through routine brushing and applying products, such as wave cream.
Adding a temple to this gives it a smooth transition to the skin, allowing the waves to subtly . This is most often known as 360 waves since it typically consists of waves that go all around the head. However, this can be optional.
A more minimal version of this is to have waves only on the top of the head and have them slowly blend with the shorter on the sides and back.
11. Buzz Cut Temple Fade
While the is a simple , it can be made more interesting by adding some gradation in the form of a . This transition of can be made even more apparent with slightly longer versions of buzz cuts.
Pairing this up with a lineup can also add more interest, making a basic is that it can easily work for any . look more modern and put together while still easy to maintain. Another positive aspect of the
12. Cropped Temple Fade
Cropped hairstyles have a range of lengths that can be paired with temple fades. This can include forehead that barely passes the hairline to that covers a big half of the forehead as bangs.
The temple . on the sides allows more room for the to transition into the temple , while creates the effect of an undercut or blunt transition before the gradual transition of the temple . on the sides can also provide different effects on the
This offers more variability to how the temple appears. Cropped hairstyles are also suitable for those who like to make their wide forehead appear narrower.
13. Spiky/Textured Hair with Temple Fade
A helps add a smooth contrast to the jagged edges of spiky or textured . This style looks best on straight to and brings more volume to the top of the head, making it an effective way to add more perceived width to those who like to make their narrow foreheads appear wider.
This type of also permits more room to decide how the can appear. For those looking for a more hardened look that references the late 90s and 2000s, spiking the up with gel and stiffening it with some strong hold hairspray works.
For those looking for a softer texture, applying wax or pomade and scrunching the up can help hold in some texture.
14. Blowout Temple Fade
The blowout , or the Brooklyn , is styled in a way that looks like the has been windswept, which is achieved by using a blow-dryer and an assortment of products.
Similar to spiky or textured , where the combination creates an even larger extreme of more volume on top that is faded into the temples and back. , gel and hairspray work best to keep it looking frozen in mid-air, while wax and pomade offer a softer look. This is a style that has been classically associated with the
That said, this is another , where one might want to add more width to a narrow forehead. that is suitable for those with a triangular
15. Pompadour Temple Fade
The pompadour has been one of the most sought after men’s hairstyles of the 2010s and in other decades as well. Adding a temple is a way to update the while adding visual interest.
This style is most often achieved by adding volume to straight or , which can be done by training the to come forward slightly, then styling it back with pomade. This can be held in place with a bit of hairspray as a finishing touch.

16. Afro Temple Fade
Afros come in various sizes, but a can be incorporated into any of them by adding some subtlety to their transition to the hairline. For easier maintenance, small afros or TWAs, which stand for “Teeny Weeny Afros,” are a great way to start a natural journey.
These can be kept short or grown to achieve a larger size, with the growing stages serving as a transition to gradually becoming more acquainted with taking care of longer natural .
17. Cornrows with Temple Fade
Cornrows are not only an African-originated protective style that can minimize damage but also look stylish and can be braided in an array of creative ways. Temple fades can add some flavor to them by providing a gradient to the hairline while still allowing them to take center stage.
Cornrows can be done at braid bars or salons, but can also be achieved at home if one desires to learn and practice the art of cornrowing.
They can be kept in for as short as a few days to as long as a few months, depending on how well they are cared for and personal tolerances with having kept in the style.
18. Dreadlocks/Twists with Temple Fade
Dreadlocks and twists can vary greatly in length and are most suitable for those with coily . The edges are often tidied up and kept short to keep the style looking neat.
One way to cut the edges is in the form of a , giving a more gradual change in length as the fadesinto the skin. Dreads and twists should be washed at least once a week with residue-free shampoo to keep them clean and healthy.
Depending on their condition, it is also important to moisturize them with water and water-based moisturizers as needed.
19. Undercut Ponytail/Bun with Temple Fade
For those with gives a striking contrast in lengths that can make your style appear more dynamic. Tying it up in a ponytail or bun allows you to show off your temple , creating a hybrid style. , pairing it with a short
This works for any as well, where those with can create updos with more visual simplicity, while those with coily can create updos with more volume and visual interest.
that is curly to coily can puff out more when tied in a ponytail and can also be coiled into the aforementioned dreadlocks and twists, which can be secured into an updo.
Temple Fade vs. Taper Fade
The key difference between a “temple fade” and a “taper fade” is the way the hairline is blended between the hair and skin.
The temple fade haircut focuses on blending the hairline at the temples so that there is a gradient where the hair seems to disappear or “fade” into the skin as it gets shorter. It is recommended for those interested in experimenting with the fade hairstyle, but not looking to commit to it all around their head.
The taper fade haircut also has a gradient of length but does not blend into the skin as gradually as the temple fade haircut, allowing the hairline to be more visible. This considered, some sources may categorize the taper fade cut as technically not a fade, but more of a general taper haircut since the hair does not blend into the skin. However, in this article, it is classified as a fade.
The taper fade haircut is best for those who prefer a more traditional haircut but also want the look of the times. Even though it is not one of the top-of-mind types of fades, the classic taper fade haircut is a more timeless option.