Artistic Angel Tattoo Ideas to Showcase Your Beliefs
Angel tattoos symbolize protection for each wearer, whether from a higher power or the spirit of a loved one that has passed away. No matter what your belief system might be, angels can represent something far deeper than the religious protection a praying angel may offer.
A guardian angel tattoo design associates itself with the notion that everyone has a protector watching over them and serving as a conscious reminder that we can provide ourselves with judgement for the deeds we do and the life we lead. Read on for 75 outstanding examples of angel tattoo design inspiration that could help you with your first piece of body art or be the basis of your new tattoo.
1. Angel Wing Tattoos
This is an admirably drawn tattoo, however there is conceptual issue that can’t be bridged. This artwork should be on the subject’s back, given the aspect with which the wings protrude out from the body.
Nice use of black line work on the outline to emphasize the clarity of these angel wings. There’s nothing too fancy in the technique, just clean, crisp lines supported by an accurate accumulation of light and dark shadow.
The angel wings of this half sleeve tattoo are crafted with exceptional shape and scale. They flow down the image, slotting together almost like a suit of armor. The black and gray shading changes focus with each different layer of feathers – is a skilful technical element. Using white ink highlights also add to the positive angelic qualities of these wings.
An angel wing tattoo design associates itself with the notion that everyone has a guardian angel watching over them. Angel wing tattoos are also often linked to the passing of family and loved ones with those lost transitioning into a protective guardian angel – such as a cherub, a baby angel, or archangel – to watch over the wearer.
An angel’s wings tattoo can be commonly associated with both birds and angels. Tattoo depictions of these often look very much alike, with a specific portion of the tattoo design differentiating if it is one or the other. The angel wing tattoo style can be purely a depiction of religious faith, however symbolism that features an angel’s wings takes on new meaning with the idea of protection and guidance from loved ones that have been lost.
2. Upper Arm Tattoos
This artwork is a fantastically executed battle scene featuring the triumph of an angelic warrior over gargoyles and demons. The artist has done an epic job to skilfully fit this image into a half sleeve – it could very easily have taken up the subject’s entire back. The canny use of gray shading throughout provides the scale needed to support the focal point angel with other equally detailed figures.
An excellent angel tattoo half sleeve with masterful use of shading. Each core element of the piece – wings, roses, sword, angel – features a different degree of gray shadow work separating from the others, but in combination still work together flawlessly. This is beautiful body art.
A powerful male angel or more classically demure female angel, sunlight, the holy cross and other godly creatures can be deployed numerous ways in each angel tattoo. They are bound to garner lots of attention – meaning lots of people check out your ink on a regular basis.
These upper arm depictions are interesting in that they mix angel styles tattoos with other religious icons and can be indistinguishable from types of Chicano style tattooing. Fine detail and shading, linework, and white ink highlights can often make or break one of these tattoos, so make sure to get minutiae right, when getting your new tattoo etched.
3. Angel Chest Tattoos
An angel tattoo drawn in the Greek classical sculpture style, you could reach out to touch it envisaging smooth marble under your fingertips. The artist has positioned it well against the center of the subject’s chest, allowing the wings to flare up pleasingly towards his shoulders.
A cool stomach tattoo. The angel of this piece is kept simple, with precise shading – note the hair and wings – helping the image fill out with good understanding of slight color changes. Her body is a flatter shade of gray drawn to accentuate the more detailed shades of wing, hair, and halo.
This devilish angel chest tattoo is epic. The different technical elements – feature gold cross, splash/smoke shading technique, and geometric usage of negative space – are deployed expertly within the framework of the tattoo to create detail, space, and fill without sending the artwork over the top.
The artist has incorporated this meaningful chest tattoo body art effortlessly into the subject’s pre-existing work by moving across from right to left and darkening the background shadow as it moves along. The central image is a beautiful child angel, which symbolizes protection through love.
Angel tattoos are often incorporated into wider chest tattoos with other religious iconography such as the Virgin Mary, crosses, and praying hands. These are popular because they lie close to the heart and soul. A holy angel tattoo is often placed over the heart for the significance of man’s faith in a tattoo idea.
4. Full Sleeve Angel Design
This full sleeve tattoo deploys a few different angels, from the protective, captivating messenger from god at top down to the fallen winged skeleton towards the wrist at the bottom. The piece is excellent in this transition, using excellent filler shading to bring the disparate images together into a cohesive tattoo. The nonplussed angel on the inside forearm looks like he needs a hug, or maybe a cup of coffee.
A nicely executed angel tattoo where the artist uses an old school locket portraiture method to frame the image with negative space. It’s a busy tattoo with technical elements symbolizing the different natures of good and evil, as the angel is surrounded in the artwork by an effectively drawn, almost liquid malevolent spirit.
A cool image showing how angel tattoos get stencilled, outlined onto skin, and adapted with shadow as they move along. It provides insight into how artists analyze shading technique around core outline pieces of a tattoo. Looking above at the right picture, you wouldn’t think there would be the huge swathes of gray shadow employed around the angel. It’s etched in via freehand.
The delivery of negative space in this sleeve tattoo helps it stand out as top quality body art. The angel image and dove are greatly detailed without being tattooed – this shows a fundamental expertise of shading, shape, and scale. The black lines work in conjunction with the freed space to sharpen the shading of each section and make them focal points among an otherwise busy black and gray style tattoo.
Angel symbolism can be extremely useful for flowing tattoo sleeve designs. The symbolic meaning behind the angel ideal can stand for negativity or sorrow, such as remembrance, suffering and pain. On the other end of the spectrum, they can be a great tattoo reflecting the ability to rise above after failures or troubles, an accomplishment, or in tribute to a person that helped guide us on our journey through life.
These examples of sleeve tattoo inspiration bring significant technical skill in application to each great tattoo. They are depicted in numerous ways – featuring everything from heaven and cupid to fairy angels, and even a devil angel or death angel – and often balanced by other imagery, canny use of negative space, or fine detail to create the looks of stone, sunlight, and darkness central to angel imagery in churches, cemeteries, books, and art.
5. Back Tattoos
This angel is majestic. Being down on one knee identifies this artwork as a fallen angel tattoo, which shifts it’s meaning away from the traditional ideal of protection towards suffering and pain.
It’s a captivating tattoo, balancing the contoured, richly detailed gray feathers with the almost stark nakedness of the rest of the angel etched within a pall of darkness. By also showing feathers littered about the ground, the artist adds poignancy to the piece’s fundamental sadness. This is a profoundly, moving tattoo.
Creating a full back angel tattoo, or even just a back shoulder angel tattoo will most times will bring out the tattoo artist’s willingness to bring every piece of technical skill and style they have, to bear on the imagery.
These full back angel tattoo ideas are gorgeous to behold, sure attention-grabbers that make a real statement for each wearer. These protectors, whether a female angel, male angel, or dark angel, support a range of ideas, from protection and guidance to warrior spirits, fallen angels, and even a fairy angel design to provide guidance for each subject.
6. Gothic Angel Tattoo Designs
This angel tattoo is well executed. The features of the angel oppose on the left and right, giving her an ambiguous aspect. You can’t settle on the degree of good and evil within, but you can see clearly both are there in great measure. The artist’s use of simple gray shading technique to create gaunt ribs and a glimpse of hip flexor adds texture to the whole image.
This dark shaded angel tattoo is almost Gothic, like an image found guarding a mausoleum. There’s excellent sense of detail in the shading. Perhaps some more sharply lined black, or even white ink highlights on the feathered wings could make the artwork pop from the skin.
Engrave yourself with a Gothic angel tattoo. Some of the most elegant examples of Gothic tattoos incorporate religious themes such as cathedrals, angels, and Christian cemeteries. or even darker symbols such as death tattoo ideas or a devil angel.
These examples of gothic Angel tattoo designs are an especially great option if you want to incorporate concepts of ambiguity and the duality of good and evil into your body art. Whether you want a small piece on your forearm or your leg, or are thinking about an expansive chest piece, look through the work of artists specializing in Gothic tattoo concepts at a tattoo shop close by you.
7. Classical Angel Tattoo Ideas
An intense, Greek classical style tattoo that’s been applied with great skill. The artist has done an excellent job detailing clothing through deft black and gray shading. The angel’s wings have been applied with an unusual but pleasing difference in technique from conventional feather expressions.
Another child angel tattooed in the Greek classical style. It looks like a sculpture that’s stepped from a museum pedestal and is now coyly playing hide and seek on the subject’s arm. The detail in the center part of the supporting rose is crisply shaded in.
Obvious religious themes feature in these classical ideas however beautiful Angel tattoo designs shouldn’t be reserved for the religious. The truth is, these “messengers” as the Latin word angelus defines them, can represent everything from pain and suffering to protection and positivity. They are also linked heavily with classical Greek Mythology and Art, and the Gods of Greek pantheon which differ great from contemporary religion.
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8. Unique Archangel Designs
This protector angel is a bad ass tattoo. The detail of sword arm/hilt, wings, and bundled hair in combination work effortlessly together to display quality artistry of a nicely drawn figure.
But, it’s the black work tattoo of ravens and heavy obsidian sky that send this piece to the next level. This section creates a unique counterpoint to the main image and gives a sense of why the angel is there – to stop the encroachment of darkness from overtaking the subject’s entire arm.
One of the most popular meanings behind an angel tattoo design stems from the belief that angels can travel to earth and back. As servants of God, they protect the realm between the heavens and earth as watchful guardians.
In return, they provide protect and guide us against evil and our destructive desires. Should a man happen to encounter his death, some believe angels will guide them into the afterlife. These unique angels tattoos add personal innovation to their design, often incorporating style elements, characters, or a loved one close to the wearer in defining the tattoo idea.
9. Smaller Tattoos
Small tattoos are an increasing tattoo trend because they possess the incredible ability to convey unbelievable symbolic meanings in Angel tattoos but are also clean designs. A small, finely detailed angel tattoo can be displayed or hidden depending on the mood or circumstance of the wearer.
10. Warrior Tattoos
A warrior angel tattoo, intimidating with weapon and wings, swords and all the power of a heavenly messenger. These angels tattoos examples are a mixture in tattoo styles and body position, and are mostly black and gray composition – but are etched cleanly with shading that mixes great attention to detail with shaping the warrior angel bodies, the enemies, and angelic smiting warriors to strong effect.
11. Rib and Side Tattoos
They are also popular for rib and side chest body art, especially in the richly detailed Chicano tattoo style of design. There are numerous chest tattoos to choose from which will fit the contour of your sternum, ribs and chest that look excellent as a tattoo design.
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Angel Tattoo FAQs
Traditionally, angel tattoos symbolize protection. Angels are guardians who are literally messengers from god to humans. There are a few different variations of angels expressed in artwork, such the angel of love Cupid, baby angels, and even the Devil himself, Lucifer.
Angels are also often linked to the passing of family or a loved one, with the lost transitioning into a guardian spirit that always protects and never leaves the subject. Non-traditional depictions include images such as the Death Angel and are often a direct challenge to the usual view by making the angel a much more malevolent force.
Fallen angels reflect the path Lucifer took when he was dumped from Heaven and cast down into Hell. When put into tattoo context, fallen angels most often describe references to pain, suffering, and sadness. They are deployed to remember difficult choices, memories, and challenges.