Best Rustic Bar Ideas – Vintage Home Interior Designs
Few luxuries compare to the personalized home bar, but woe to the man who mistakenly falls for the rules and outlines of the classic cocktail bar’s apparel.
Today’s home bar, like the modern man himself, is tailored to the individual, and holds a world of inspiration and style cues, none more alluring than the rustic watering holes of a bygone era.
Alluding to the days of Deadwood and antiquated edginess, the rustic bar aesthetic is no-frills with a whole lot of style. Distressed wood, brick, stone, and mortar, as well as stools built for men who know how to handle their drink: these are the rustic bar’s essentials, and how you choose to adorn your sanctuary depends on the story you want to tell.
Art and artifacts with personal significance are the rustic bartender’s accoutrements; no coasters or cocktail napkins here, as a few spills and tarnishes only add to the old world saloon appeal. These home rustic bar ideas are comfort in a pair of exquisitely scuffed boots, tended and patronized by gentlemen who know their place in the world but prefer to take their time getting there.
Thanks to the popular revival of the time-honored rustic theme, your home bar is just a whiskey swig away from becoming a legend in its own right. The Old West may be a century behind us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t save a seat for the souls worth tipping a weathered hat to.