Neil Podoll/Shutterstock
Fire Pit Ideas for Your Backyard
Man and his friends and family have gathered around the communal fire since time immemorial, and the tradition has not lost its appeal, even in our age of every conceivable convenience.
We may have left our ancestors in the past, but the modern joys of a crackling outdoor fire on a chilly winter night or under a starry summer sky are well worth implementing and can be achieved in your own backyard no less.
An outdoor living space with a fire pit in your backyard welcomes your guests in a way that simply exceeds the standard home. Inlaid or above-ground designs, accented with stone or Pacific wood, and complete with an irresistible seating arrangement, the outdoor fire pit promises comfort, safety, and the timeless pleasures of catching up with old friends or seeing a lover’s face aglow in the firelight. And because the fire pit is engineered and installed with safety as the top priority, you can relax without the burden of performing potential double duty as a volunteer firefighter.
We live in chaotic and uncertain times, but the outdoor fire pit stands apart from the madness, offering an elemental reassurance that even the most state-of-the-art technological advances fail to procure. You deserve to bask in the steadfast tranquility of man’s most triumphant discovery, and these fire pit ideas for your backyard assure one that whatever the future holds, the hearth will always persevere and provide.
A doesn’t have to cost you thousands of dollars to be fun and functional. This is dug into the ground while being shored up on the sides with planters that double as a . The simple gravel surface is perfect for kicking back with friends over a few drinks. If you’d like to set up a and mimic the bench in the picture, try sourcing old railroad ties or landscape timbers. While you don’t need to use footing, you do want to dig holes deep enough to keep this bench from tipping over.
On a this large, you’ll need to give people a reason to head to the far end. This and area can be the exact excuse people need to venture away from the house. To create a similar area in your , head to your local landscaping supplier and look for blocks that will create gentle curves. Some exterior construction adhesive should keep the blocks in place and give people a comfortable area to relax.
This reminds us more of a five-star resort than a getaway. This area has been built into the pool, creating an ultra-relaxing space to enjoy some company on a summer night. The deep ledges are perfect for resting drinks and snacks while giving swimmers a place to dock and join in on the laughs.
This great budget-friendly is an alternative to traditional made from . The wrap-around decking provides plenty of space for friends and family to gather and make memories. The river rock gravel bed is the perfect place for kicking off flip-flops and getting comfortable. A like this one can be purchased at most home improvement stores. Take a look at their selection and pick one that works for your .
An isn’t reserved for backyards only. This rooftop setting is a great space for a and some chairs for sunset hangouts. Gas pits put off less radiant heat, which makes them ideal for a setting like this. While the flames are still hot, the pit itself won’t overheat and is less likely to cause damage to nearby materials. The added benefit of not having to lug firewood up to the roof space also adds some appeal.
Sinking a and area into your garden can be an awesome idea for a small . These benches are deep and spacious, so there’s plenty of room to get everyone gathered around. You don’t have to take out a line of credit to come up with a similar look in your . Landscape timbers and blocks can be used instead of these stacked walls.
Imagine gathering around this space on a cool night with the stars shining above. This rustic mountain pits. Teak wood chairs with comfortable cushions make the space extra inviting. is the perfect setting for natural chimneys and
This will require some planning but still remains within the realm of . By learning how to stretch string lines accurately and studying the basics of and mortar, you should be able to come up with a that looks similar.
Mixing hardscape and landscape can be a great choice for a . The walls and stones are perfect for sitting and lounging on, while the grass is a great place to throw a towel down and have a fireside picnic. These large bluestone slabs make excellent alternatives to basic and give this an English garden feel. Use this idea at the end of a large yard to give yourself an where you can get away from it all.
On many construction projects, large fieldstones often have to be removed from the ground before any building activities can begin. The contractor then has to cart these stones away, bury them, or leave them for the homeowner to deal with. This makes good use of these boulders, using them not only to provide but also to define the and from the rest of the yard.
For a modern and contemporary , you might consider wrapping an in-ground inside a deck equipped with built-in . To keep this design safe, we suggest lining the interior of the with firebricks. They’ll help keep the overall temperature down on the exterior of the and prevent your hard labor spent on building the deck from going up in smoke.
For a cheap , look no further than this design. The Adirondack chairs atop the gravel look right at home around this simple in-ground. While this is a simple, inexpensive design, there are some things you should think about first. Avoid building your on top of the gravel base. Gravel stones can expand when heated, cracking and sending chunks flying. Also, installing a metal below grade is a good way to keep things safe and stable during especially hot fires.
On the list of ways to take in summer sunset, cozying up around a sits on the corner of this paver , half-wrapped by a beautiful matching bench overlooking a lake. By adding a few chairs, the entire family can toast the sunset together. has to be ranked pretty high. This circular stone fire
You don’t have to have an amazing view to make this work. If you already have a large , consider building a similar design in one of the corners. It will frame the space nicely, provide extra , and create some warmth for everyone to gather around.
Natural stones can make excellent building materials. The stones in this act as both materials. Set nicely into the side of this ledge, the gravel area provides a good base for some chairs and end tables. The natural materials lend a timeless feel to this .
Some gravel, comfortable , and a are all it takes to create an inviting and comfortable for entertaining. Small spaces like this one can benefit from the versatility and ease of use that come with gas pits. Gas pits come in all types of shapes, sizes, styles, and designs, so finding one that fits your should be straightforward.
A simple idea doesn’t mean it will be any less enjoyable than a more intricate or expensive design. This in-ground sits nicely inside the cobblestone . The bench and wood storage make outstanding additions to the relaxing setting. Use this idea, or one similar, in an unused corner of your yard. It tucks away nicely and the permanent makes it easy to landscape around without shuffling expensive lawn furniture.
What is the best base for a fire pit?
The best material to use for a base for your backyard fire pit is simply a paver base. It can be poured in place by the bag and tamped down to become very hard and stable. It’s a more stable choice than sand and far safer than gravel which can pop and send small pieces of rock flying.
Where should I put a fire pit in my yard?
There are a number of things to consider when planning the location for your backyard fire pit. For obvious reasons, you don’t want to build your fire pit under or near any trees and plant life. You should also consider somewhere that has a natural windbreak if possible. It’s also wise to avoid installing a fire pit over underground utilities.