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126 Star Wars Jokes That Will Have You Cracking Up
Today is May 4, and that means it’s Star Wars Day! Known as “May the 4th be With You,” this is the one day a year when people worldwide openly celebrate their love of Star Wars with fellow fans. Not that it needs any explaining, but Star Wars is an epic space saga that has captivated audiences for over four decades. With its iconic characters, thrilling space battles, and imaginative world-building, it has become a beloved franchise that has inspired countless books, movies, video games, LEGO sets, and TV shows. But there is another side to Star Wars that is often overlooked: its sense of humor. From witty one-liners to clever sight gags, Star Wars jokes have become just as iconic as the movie’s dramatic moments.
Whether it’s the friendly banter between Han Solo and Princess Leia, C-3PO’s awkward encounters, weird-looking aliens, or the slapstick comedy of the prequel trilogy, humor has been ever-present in the Star Wars universe. These humorous moments in the franchise have led to fans creating their own Star Wars jokes, be it funny memes, side-splitting puns, or hilarious jokes. And let’s be honest, nothing beats a good Star Wars joke.
To celebrate “May the 4th” in a fun and positive way, we wanted to share this collection of hilarious Star Wars jokes. These are witty, silly, but above all funny gags that will have you laughing like Chewbacca after Princess Leia makes a joke about Han Solo.

- What program do Jedi use to open PDF files? Adobe Wan Kenobi.
- How does Darth Vader like his toast? On the dark side.
- Why did Han Solo wait to ask Princess Leia to marry him? He didn’t want to force it.
- What’s the difference between Boba Fett and a time machine operated by Marty McFly? One’s a Mandalorian, and the other’s a manned DeLorean.
- Why are there no stairs in the Death Star? Because everyone uses the ele-vader.
- Is BB hungry? No, BB-8.
- Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the road? To get to the Dark Side.
- What did Yoda ride as a kid? A do-cycle. Because there is no tri.
- Stormtroopers in quarantine are like, “I miss people.” I’m not too sympathetic, they always miss people.
- Why is a gossip website like the Imperial Fleet? They’re both full of Star Destroyers.
- Luke Skywalker walks into the Mos Eisley cantina, cradling a slab of dirt in his arms. “What’ll it be?” asks the barman. “A pint for me, and one for the road.”
- What did Darth Vader say to the Emperor at the Star Wars auction? “What is thy bidding, my master?”
- How do Tusken Raiders cheat on their taxes? They always single file, to hide their numbers.
- What do you call Stormtroopers playing Monoploy? Game of Clones.
- Did you know Yoda had a last name? It was Layheehoo.
- Why does Kylo Ren have no friends? Because his whole life he’s Ben Solo.
- What is Jabba the Hutt’s middle name? The.
- Where did Luke get his cybernetic hand? The second-hand store.
- How does Wicket get around Endor? Ewoks.
- What’s a stormtrooper’s favorite store? The store next to the Target!
- Why did Episodes 4, 5, and 6 come out before 1, 2, and 3? Because in charge of directing, Yoda was.
- Which website did Chewbacca get arrested for creating? Wookieleaks!
- How long has Anakin Skywalker been evil? Since the Sith Grade.
- What do you call a pirate droid? Arr-2 D2.
- Why is Yoda such a good gardener? Because he has a green thumb.
- What time is it when an AT-AT steps on your chronometer? Time to get a new chronometer.
- Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan walk into a Chinese restaurant. Ten minutes into the meal, Luke’s still having trouble with the chopsticks, dropping food everywhere. Obi-Wan finally snaps, “Use the forks, Luke.”
- Warning: Star Wars spoilers! Voosh voosh pew pew pew voosh voosh pew pew voosh force choke voosh pew pew pew.
- Why can’t you count on Yoda picking up the tab? He’s a little short.
- How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk? With a woo-key.
- What does a Star Destroyer wear to a wedding? Bow ties, of course.
- How is Ducktape like the Force? It has a Dark Side and a Light side and it binds the galaxy together.
- What is the name of the Gungan who became a taxi driver? Car Car Binks.
- Which Jedi has a musical career? Bon Jovi-Wan Kenobi.
- What do you get if you cross a bounty hunter with a tropical fruit? Mango Fett.
- How did Darth Vader cheat at poker? He kept altering the deal.
- What side of an Ewok has the most hair? The outside.
- The Star Wars text crawl walks into a bar. “Get outta my pub!” the bartender yells. “We don’t serve your type here.”
- Why was Yoda so bad at geometry? Because to him there are no triangles, only do-or-do-not-angles.
- What did the specter of Obi Wan Kenobi say to the bartender? “Give me a beer and a mop.”
- A clone trooper walks into a pub and asks the barman, “Hey, have you seen my brother?” “I dunno,” says the barman, “What does he look like?”
- What droid always takes the long way around? R2-Detour.
- Why did the stormtrooper buy the iPhone? He couldn’t find the droid he was looking for.
- The Death Star’s shield generator walks into a bar. The bartender scowls and says, “Alright pal, I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.”
- What kind of car does a Jedi drive? A Toyoda.
- Which Star Wars character works at a restaurant? Darth Waiter.
- What’s a baseball player’s least favorite Star Wars movie? The Umpire Strikes Back.
- A Hutt slithers into the food court. The cashier says, “Hey! We have a pizza place named after you!” The Hutt says, “You have a pizza place named Jabba Desilijic Tiure?”
- What did Darth Vader say when he walked into a vegetarian restaurant? “I find your lack of steak disturbing.”
- Darth Vader walks into a bar in December. The bartender says, “Merry Sithmas, and what’ll it be?”
- What do you call Chewbacca when he gets chocolate in his fur? A chocolate chip Wookiee!
- Why are Death Star pilots fed up with space battles? Because they always end up in a TIE.
- What is a Jedi’s favorite toy? A yo-yoda.
- An Ewok strolls into a bar and says to the bartender, “I’ll have a whisky and… soda.” The bartender says, “Sure thing – but why the little pause?” “Dunno,” says the Ewok. “I’ve had them all my life.”
- What did Yoda say to Anakin on his wedding day? “May divorce be with you.”
- Which Star Wars character lives in Florida? Orlando Calrissian.
- What do you call it when only one Star Wars character gives you a round of applause? A Hand Solo.
- Trying to come up with jokes about Star Wars is difficult. Sometimes they seem a bit too forced.
- What is the internal temperature of a Tauntaun? Lukewarm.
- Baby Yoda’s first word… Probably came after his second word.
- What do you call Kenobi triplets? Obi-Threes.
- How does Darth Vader like his steaks? Well, done done done, done da done, done da done!
- What is a Rebel’s favorite TV talent show? X-Wing Factor.
- Have you tried the gluten-free Wookiee treats? No, but I heard they’re a little Chewie.
- Why was the droid angry? Because people kept pushing its buttons.
- What do you call five Siths piled on top of a lightsaber? A Sith-kebab.
- Why can’t a Jedi send photos, documents, and images in an e-mail? Attachments are forbidden!
- I saw a falcon eating avocado toast. Guess it’s a millennial falcon.
- What was Luke’s secret codename before he got his mechanical limb? Hand Solo.
- Why was Yoda afraid of seven? Because six, seven, eight.
- How can you tell if a sheep has met Yoda? Dago Bah.
- What did Han Solo say to the waiter who recommended the haddock? “Never sell me the cods!”
- What goes, “Ha, ha, ha, haaaa…. AGGGHHHH! Thump”? An Imperial Officer laughing at Darth Vader.
- So my friend decided to get a face tattoo of her favorite Star Wars character. You should’ve seen the Luke on her face.
- What did Yoda say after he turned a boy turned away when he tried to order a pie from his bakery? “Dough. Or doughnut. There is no pie.”
- Because Yoda was in charge of the jokes. Why was the punchline in the title?
- What do you call an invisible droid? C-through-PO.
- How do Ewoks communicate over long distances? With Ewokie Talkies.
- What is the name of Obi-Wan’s twin brother? Obi-Also.
- Where do Gungans store their fruit preserves? Jar-Jars.
- Han Solo’s name changed when he married Leia. What did he change it to? Han Duet.
- What did Obi-Wan say at the rodeo? “Use the horse, Luke!”
- Who is Han Solo’s favorite rapper? Tupacca.
- What do you call a Sarlacc Pit that only speaks in ironic mockery? A Sar-chasm.
- I went to a sale at the Maul. Everything was half off.
- What did Princess Leia and Han Solo name their other kid? Guitar Solo.
- What did Darth Maul’s teacher say when he was disrupting her class? Sith down and be quiet.
- How did Darth Vader know what Luke was getting for his birthday? He felt his presents!
- What kind of spaceship did Luke fly in grade school? An ABC-Wing.
- Why was Darth Vader bad at sports? He always choked.
- Who did Princess Leia’s hair? Darth Braider.
- I asked my wife to dress up as a bounty hunter from Star Wars. I have a Boba fetish.
- What did Palpatine say to the intern when they asked how many pizzas they needed for his birthday party? “Order 66!”
- Why was Darth Vader referred to as Lord Vader? Because calling him Master Vader made all the Stormtroopers giggle.
- Any space smuggler will tell you, never try the blue milk at the Mos Eisley cantina. It’ll give you the Kessel runs for twelve parsecs.
- What do Jedis order at Chinese restaurants? Pada-wonton soup!
- Why couldn’t Luke Skywalker find love? He was looking in Alderaan places.
- Yoda looks at Darth Vader and asks, “Rule the galaxy, you do. But at what cost?!” Vader thinks for a moment and replies, “It was expensive… It cost an arm and a leg.” After a short pause, Vader says, “Two legs in fact.”
- Where does Kylo Ren get his creepy black clothes? From his closet.
- What does Leia say when she needs help? “I think I could use a Han here.”
- How does Darth Vader eat? He force-feeds himself.
- What is Darth Vader’s favorite measurement system? The Imperial System.
- Why did Princess Leia send a distress call to Francis? Because he was her only Pope.
- I found out I was colorblind by watching Star Wars because I couldn’t see the green screen.
- What do you call a rebel princess who only shops at Whole Foods? Leia Organic.
- Did you know Chuck Norris was in every Star Wars movie? He played the Force.
- What do you call an eel that loves the new Star Wars trilogy? A More-Rey Eel.
- Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns? So it doesn’t Hang Solow.
- What did the dentist say to Luke Skywalker? “May the floss be with you.”
- My wife says she’s leaving me because of my obsession with Star Wars. I said, “Please don’t go, honey. You’re the Obi-Wan for me.”
- What is Admiral Ackbar’s favorite type of music? Trap.
- Jabba the Hut is so fat, Obi-Wan Kenobi took a closer look and said, “That’s no moon.”
- Why did Chewbacca get sent back down to play minor league baseball? He was making too many Wookiee mistakes.
- What did Darth Vader say when the record store employee told him they were out of George Michael’s albums? “I find your lack of ‘Faith’ disturbing.”
- Why is Darth Vader not safe for children under three years old? He’s a choking hazard!
- What is Yoda’s advice for going to the bathroom? Doo-doo or doo-doo-not-do.
- Star Wars fans don’t smoke cigarettes after sex; they chew ‘bacca.
- What sound do Yoda’s sheep make? Day go baaa.
- Why should you never tell jokes on the Falcon? The ship might crack up.
- Oh, sure everyone loves Star Wars on May 4th… Until you tell your nephew you’re his father.
- What Star Wars character sells hotdogs? Admiral Snackbar.
- Why did the tapeworm stay far away from Palpatine? He didn’t want anyone to say he was in Sidious.
- What was Tarkin’s favorite brand of toilet paper? Charmin to the last.
- Why is a droid mechanic never lonely? Because he’s always making new friends.
- What does your Canadian friend cooking dinner for you have in common with the Empire from Star Wars? Pal-poutine.
- Who was General Grievous’ favorite band? Weezer.
See more about - 25 Of The Funniest Star Wars Memes