156 Star Wars Trivia Questions To Test Your Knowledge
Think you’re a big Star Wars fan? Seen all three trilogies, stand-alone movies, and TV shows? Read all the books and comics and got the latest LEGO sets. Well, you just might be, if you can answer all these Star Wars trivia questions correctly.
This collection of questions covers everything from the original, prequel, and sequel trilogies to the Disney+ TV shows and everything in between. You’ll find Star Wars trivia questions on the Empire, the Force, minor characters, and crucial plot points. While some of the questions are easy, many are quite tricky and will really test your knowledge of the science fiction extravaganza created by George Lucas over 45 years ago.
So grab your lightsabre, jump in your X-wing, and may the Force be with you as you tackle these Star Wars trivia questions.
1. Han Solo boasted that the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in less than how many parsecs?
12 parsecs.
2. In Star Wars, what do they call the invisible power that binds the galaxy together?
The Force.
3. What is Baby Yoda’s real name?
4. C-3P0 is fluent in how many languages?
Over 60 million languages.
5. What is the name of Anakin’s stepbrother?
Owen Lars.
6. Who was Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan?
Ahsoka Tano.
7. Princess Leia tells Grand Moff Tarkin the rebel base is located on what planet?
8. According to Yoda, there are always how many Sith Lords… no more, no less?
9. Who killed the four Jedi Masters; Saesee Tinn, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, and Agen Kolar?
Darth Sidious.
10. What is the episode number of the very first Star Wars film?
11. Who is Boba Fett’s father?
Jango Fett.
12. What is the name of Yoda’s home?
13. Who was Luke Skywalker’s gunner during the Battle of Hoth?
Dak Ralter.
14. What is the name of Han Solo’s ship?
The Millennium Falcon.
15. Where did Obi-Wan take Luke after his birth?
16. What species is Greedo?
17. Who is Palpatine’s granddaughter?
18. In what system are Han and Leia before traveling to Bespin?
19. What was Galen Erso’s nickname for his daughter?
20. Which actor is the only one who’s appeared in every single Star Wars movie to date?
Anthony Daniels (C-3PO).
21. Chancellor Palpatine was which Sith Lord?
Darth Sidious.
22. What is the name of General Grievous’ Flagship?
The Invisible Hand.
23. Han Solo was frozen in what?
24. Roughly how old was Jedi Master Yoda when he dies?
900 years old.
25. What is Mando’s real name from The Mandalorian?
Din Djarin.
26. Luke lost which of his hands in a fight with Darth Vader?
His right hand.
27. Finish this quote from The Mandalorian: “This is the ___”
28. What is the name of the female member of the Jedi High Council who is of the same species as Yoda?
29. Who had the highest midi-chlorian count in Star Wars?
Anakin Skywalker.
30. The Lion King‘s Mufasa and which Star Wars character were voiced by the same actor (James Earl Jones)?
Darth Vader.
31. What is the Toydarian’s name who owned Anakin Skywalker?
32. Who killed Jabba the Hutt?
Princess Leia.
33. What model of aircraft did Luke use to “bullseye Womp Rats?”
T-16 skyhopper.
34. According to Yoda, what is the path to the dark side?
35. What’s the original name of Boba Fett’s ship?
Slave I.
36. When did the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars first air?
37. Who was the first character to speak in the first Star Wars film, A New Hope?
38. What is the name of the Wookiees’ homeworld?
39. Who are Kylo Ren’s parents?
Han Solo and Princess Leia.
40. What was Finn’s stormtrooper number?
41. Where did the Clone Wars begin?
42. Who is Luke and Leia’s father?
Darth Vader.
43. What were Padmé’s last words?
“Obi-Wan…there…is good in him. I know there is.”
44. Who freed Princess Leia from her chains at Jabba’s palace?
45. What Star Wars character did Natalie Portman play?
Padmé Amidala.
46. How did Luke manage to get into Jabba’s palace?
He used an ancient Jedi mind trick on Bib Fortuna.
47. What species is native to Endor?
48. Who fixed the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon?
49. What species stole the plans for the Death Star?
50. Padmé was Queen of what?
51. What species is Chewbacca?
52. Bo-Katan wanted what from Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian?
The Darksaber.
53. Which film was the final installment of the Skywalker Saga?
The Rise of Skywalker.
54. What happened to Anakin Skywalker during the battle with Count Dooku?
He lost his right arm.
55. Who wiped out all of the information about Kamino from the Jedi Temple archives?
Count Dooku.
56. On Tatooine, what name did Obi-Wan go by?
57. Who are the comedians behind the “voice” for BB-8?
Ben Schwartz and Bill Hader.
58. What is the nickname of the Wookiee bounty hunter Snoova?
59. Who adopted Anakin and Padmé’s daughter?
Bail Organa.
60. What is the real name of Darth Tyranus?
Count Dooku.
61. The planet Hoth features in which Star Wars movie?
The Empire Strikes Back.
62. Who killed Han Solo?
Kylo Ren.
63. What did Jar Jar Binks end up owing Qui-Gon Jinn after being rescued during the invasion of Naboo?
An honor debt.
64. Where was Baby Yoda when Order 66 was initiated?
65. What did Owen Lars tell Luke about his father?
He was a navigator on a spice freighter.
66. Which planet did Luke Skywalker go to for his self-imposed exile?
67. When Obi Wan Kenobi performed the blood test on Anakin, how high was the Midi-chlorian count?
More than 20,000.
68. What is the color of C-3PO’s arm in Star Wars: The Force Awakens?
69. According to the Emperor, what was Luke’s weakness?
His faith in his friends.
70. What kind of Trooper is introduced at the beginning of Rogue One?
Death Trooper.
71. Which bounty hunter was trying to capture Han when Greedo arrived first?
Danz Borin.
72. What color was Mace Windu’s lightsaber?
73. Who composed the soundtrack album to the 1977 film Star Wars?
John Williams.
74. What was the job that Finn told Han Solo he had at Starkiller Base?
75. Who taught Lando Calrissian how to pilot a ship?
Han Solo.
76. What species is Jar Jar Binks?
77. Which character said, “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You are my only hope”?
Princess Leia.
78. What is the creature that lives in the garbage compactor of the original Death Star called?
79. How many episodes are in the Skywalker Saga?
80. What is the meaning of the Ancient Hebrew lettering written on Darth Vader’s chest piece?
“His deeds will not be forgiven until he merits.”
81. Who is the First Order’s supreme leader?
82. How many lightsabers does General Grievous wield in his fight with Obi-Wan on Utapau?
83. Who is known for saying the line: “I have spoken?”
84. Which is the first original theatrical Star Wars movie where Jabba the Hutt is seen?
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
85. Who played Princess Leia?
Carrie Fisher.
86. What did Darth Vader say to Luke about the name “Anakin Skywalker?”
“It no longer holds any meaning for him.”
87. According to Obi-Wan, how long had the Jedi been the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy?
For more than 1,000 generations.
88. Who was Count Dooku’s padawan before he left the Jedi?
89. What did the Ewoks think C-3PO was?
A god.
90. Who played Darth Maul in the prequel trilogy?
Ray Park.
91. What did R2-D2 realize about C-3PO when they first met?
C-3PO was naked.
92. Who does BB-8 belong to?
Poe Dameron.
93. Lightsabers are powered by what type of crystal?
Kyber crystal.
94. What was the name of the standard rifle carried by the clone troopers?
95. Which actor played Lando Calrissian?
Billy Dee Williams.
96. What is the original name of the first Star Wars movie?
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.
97. Count Dooku was one of how many Jedi who had left the Jedi Order?
98. At what age did Padmé Amidala become a queen?
14 years old.
99. The Phantom Menace is what episode of the Star Wars franchise?
Episode 1.
100. What character did Carrie Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd play in Star Wars?
Lieutenant Kaydel Connix.
101. Who directed Star Wars: The Force Awakens?
J.J. Abrams.
102. When is the Star Wars Holiday Special set?
In between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.
103. How many Star Wars movies is Harrison Ford in?
104. When is Star Wars day?
May 4th.
105. Where do Rey and BB-8 first meet?
106. The Mandalorian was created by who?
Jon Favreau.
107. Attack of the Clones is which Star Wars episode?
Episode II.
108. Who said, “I know what I have to do, but I don’t know that I have the strength to do it?”
Kylo Ren.
109. What species is Jabba?
110. Who was the Jedi master that ordered to create clones?
Syfo Dyas
111. Which actor played Qui Gon Jinn in the Star Wars prequels?
Liam Neeson.
112. Who does Finn kiss in The Last Jedi?
113. What is the name of Lupita Nyong’o’s Star Wars character?
Maz Kanata.
114. According to Yoda, what did Luke need to do in order to complete his training and become a Jedi Master?
Confront Darth Vader again.
115. What kind of weapon did Han Solo carry?
A DL-44 pistol
116. What Star Wars episode is Revenge of the Sith?
Episode III.
117. Leia said never underestimate a what?
118. X-wing fighters were used by the Resistance or the First Order?
119. Jyn Erso said rebellions are built on what?
120. How many engines does the X-Wing Fighter have?
121. What mission did Princess Leia give to Obi-Wan?
Take R2-D2 to Alderaan.
122. Who directed Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back?
Irvin Kershner.
123. Palpatine gave the command to execute what Order in Revenge of the Sith?
Order 66.
124. What was Mando’s weapon against Moff Gideon’s darksaber?
A beskar spear.
125. How many meals does Jabba consume per day?
126. Who is the black market droidsmith Poe knows on Kijimi?
Babu Frik.
127. What did Yoda tell Obi-Wan after he said, “That boy is our last hope?”
“No, there is another.”
128. In Return of The Jedi, what planet is the second Death Star orbiting?
The forest moon of Endor.
129. What is the language of the Wookiees?
130. Who was the spy within the First Order in The Rise of Skywalker?
General Armitage Hux.
131. Whose lightsaber did Luke receive from Obi-Wan?
Anakin Skywalker.
132. What alien race does Admiral Ackbar belong to?
Mon Calamari
133. Where can you find the hidden rebel base?
Yavin IV.
134. What’s the name of the casino city that Rose and Finn visited in The Last Jedi?
Canto Bight.
135. Why was Jango Fett adopted and raised by Mandalorians?
His parents were assassinated.
136. What Star Wars episode is The Phantom Menace?
Episode I.
137. In the first Death Star, what “detention block” was Princess Leia being held in?
138. What compasses lead the way to Exegol?
A Sithway finder.
139. Cobb Vanth had whose armor in The Mandalorian?
Boba Fett’s armor.
140. According to Zorii, what can give free passage through any blockade and landing privileges, any vessel?
A First Order Captain’s medallion.
141. Who played Han Solo in 2018’s Solo: A Star Wars Story?
Alden Ehrenreich.
142. On what planet did Han accept Chewbacca as his partner?
143. What is the battle armor used by Boba Fett?
144. How did Obi-Wan feel about flying?
He hated it.
145. What did Han and Luke ride on in the snow while in Hoth?
146. Who was on Jabba’s sail barge during Han’s rescue, which is also one of the Emporer’s Hands?
Mara Jade.
147. What is Jabba’s complete name?
Jabba Desilijic Tiure.
148. How many spires does the Jedi Temple have?
149. What were Obi-Wan’s last words to Luke after the Battle of Yavin?
“May the Force be with you.”
150. Which planet did the Death Star manage to destroy with its superlaser?
151. What odds does C-3P0 provide Han with for successfully navigating the asteroid field?
3,720 to 1.
152. Where did Luke try to convince Biggs Darklighter that he had witnessed a space battle?
Tosche Station.
153. What planet is Lando Calrissian from?
154. Which Ewok had an iguana as a pet and adviser?
Chief Chirpa
155. What were Luke’s aunt and uncle’s jobs on Tatooine?
Moisture farmers.
156. Why was Han Solo’s ship named Millenium Falcon?
The ship got named after a bird of prey, the Bat Falcon.
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