The Funniest and Most Insightful Shower Thoughts on Reddit
The shower is where some of the best ideas are thought up. It’s been scientifically proven too, with studies showing that when in the shower we feel relaxed, releasing more dopamine that causes the brain to come up with some great ideas. But not all shower thoughts are brilliant and life-changing. For every great idea, there are hundreds of silly, stupid, and funny shower thoughts.
These are the types of shower thoughts that come from the recesses of your mind and often reveal your innermost thoughts. Things you don’t normally share with other people unless you are a Reddit user. You probably won’t be surprised to know there is a r/Showerthoughts thread full of people’s wild shower thoughts.
We’ve collected 50 of the most ludicrous, hysterical, insightful, head-scratching, and out-there shower thoughts from this famous Reddit thread for you to enjoy. Some are deep thoughts while others are random thoughts, but they were all thought of while showering.
After reading you’ll quickly discover that all those strange shower thoughts you’ve been having aren’t that weird.
1. “The asteroid that ended the dinosaurs was technically the highest ratio of killing birds to one stone in Earth’s history.” – u/cubosh
2. “Every generation must be getting worse at pulling out because the ones that mess it up are the ones who pass on the trait” – u/TheGolednMinion
3. “A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you.” – u/Mauveinex
4. “Irony of life. Waking up at 6 am for work is impossible. Once you retire. You wake up at 6 am voluntarily.” – u/isaacktheunknown
5. “Once we have self-driving cars, wipers will no longer be essential, because the car doesn’t need a clean windshield to drive. Only humans do.” – u/telumv
6. “Good habits are hard to start, bad habits are hard to stop.” – u/pera001
7. “Kids will never understand the poignant self-satisfaction of slamming a phone down on the cradle to hang up on someone and end an angry conversation.” – u/NachoStamps
8. “Making a typo in an online argument is the equivalent of (your) voice cracking in a verbal argument.” – u/metamight123
9. “People queued collectively for about 286 years to pay their respects to the late queen.” – u/Far-Ad-6179
10. “As an identical triplet, you are simultaneously one of the rarest and most common people on the planet.” – u/ItsHerox
11. “No one bats an eye if you tell them you like art, or crafting. But suddenly people think you’re childish if you tell them you like arts & crafts” – u/KawaiiNeeko
12. “There are people who have been using phones all their lives without ever hearing a dial tone.” – u/specious_foofaraw
13. “There could be a viral video of you doing something random with millions of views, and you have no idea because you haven’t seen it.” – u/P0RKM0LE
14. “Someone with an overweight sibling invented the baggy clothes trend and the whole world just went with it.” – u/hamberder-muderer
15. “Gen Z might have been the last generation to know what it’s like to get up early in the morning to catch your favorite cartoons on TV.” – u/herbstohnewind
16. “The only difference between relaxation and boredom is enjoyment.” – u/SirFelsenAxt
17. “A corn maze is a maze of maize” – u/sturgill_hommie
18. “Being realistic and being mediocre are hard to distinguish” – u/FeikerSenpai
19. “Running feels great… until you compare it to not running/” – u/Wholesome_Miu
20. “Staring deep into someone’s eyes starts to lose its sexiness when it’s your optometrist.” – u/securityseminars
21. “The more a person forgets about rickrolling, the easier it is to rickroll them. It’s beautiful.” – u/Mike_Huntte
22. “Someone out there vividly remembers something you said, which you have completely forgotten.” – u/beanstalkandthejack
23. “Condoms have both saved and prevented many lives.” – u/Cheeseburgerhydoxide
24. “Adult life is hard, but at least we don’t have to do PE anymore.” – u/youcantseeshawn30
25. “They don’t let you smile in passport photos because they want you to look the same as if you were standing in line at customs for an hour” – u/dillisking
26. “During a nuclear explosion, there is a certain distance of the radius where all the frozen supermarket pizzas are cooked to perfection.” – u/Raghnarok
27. “It won’t be long before people use ‘the ’20s, the ’30s, and the ’40s’ to describe the 2020s, the 2030s, and the 2040s.” – u/PlankLengthisNull
28. “We advocate not judging a book by its cover, but also glorify ‘love at first sight.'” – u/spiritofmen
29. “If Eminem’s Mom wanted to she could probably make a good amount of money selling her own spaghetti sauce.” – u/justjoshingiu
30. “At some point in life, there was a stranger who got disappointed by how your voice sounded when you started talking.” – u/Lovheim
31. “An onion is the bass player of food. You would probably not enjoy it solo, but you’d miss it if it wasn’t there.” – u/pete7568
32. “If everyone on earth died simultaneously, the internet would be comprised entirely of bots posting, liking, and upvoting each other.” – u/AlphaBravo69
33. “Babysitters are teenagers who behave like grown-ups so that grown-ups can go out and behave like teenagers.” – u/C0untdown
34. “All adults were children, but not all children will become adults.” – u/sepientr34
35. “Surgeons and snipers need steady hands for the exact opposite reason.” – u/[deleted]
36. “CPR is the human version of blowing in a videogame cartridge and hoping it’ll work again.” – u/godblow
37. “The most attractive people you will ever see are often random passersby in public – who you will never see again, not celebrities you can follow on social media.” – u/TheAnachroneer
38. “Given the choice between $1,000,000,000 or a single chicken wing, a dog will choose the chicken wing every time.” – u/CoolMikeLawrence
39. “We’re closer to the year The Jetsons took place (2062) than the year The Jetsons first aired (1962).” – u/FictionVent
40. “The definition of evolution is fuck around and find out” – u/copperheadjane
41. “You don’t own the atoms in your body. It’s just your turn to use them.” – u/Prof_Alchem
42. “But do aliens believe in me?” – u/ccarsonberry
43. “Music’s gonna be so fucking different 100 years from now” – u/[deleted]
44. “One day your parents put you down and never picked you up again.” – u/schneida_04
45. “When you go outside in the sun, you actually reflect some of the light that hits you back into space.” – u/anpr1m
46. “We go to work by cars each day, taking the same route, but almost never encounter the same cars along the way.” – u/mishagelka
47. “Someone somewhere is walking around with the world’s longest pubic hair.” – u/Ibrahim_MK
48. “The drink list on a restaurant menu is never at the very front despite it being the first question asked at every restaurant.” – u/NopeyNope_the_5th
49. “Anxiety is like when video game combat music is playing but you can’t find any enemies.” – u/Canadaba11
50. “Finding an eggshell in an Egg McMuffin is both annoying and reassuring.” – u/dangu3
51. “You have never seen an ice cream truck at a gas station.” – u/IfOnlyIHadAMeme
52. “Premature ejaculation is a shortcoming.” – u/DissociateMe
53. “People celebrate those that quit drinking but demonize those that refuse to start.” – u/FatCatCooper
54. “People lose 90% of the energy they consume through heat, so maybe the reason vampires are so strong is because they don’t produce heat, meaning they keep 100% of the energy they consume.” – u/SolutionsNotIdeology
55. “The water you just drank earlier might contain some recirculated dinosaur piss.” u/Sum1sNotHere
56. “People who work in factories that print currency make more money than they make.” – u/SupineProtoplasm
57. “The more obese you become, the more room you have for tattoos.” – u/MuskokaReel
58. “Traffic lights must be harder to navigate if you’re red/green colorblind.” – u/00_nothing
59. “The only discernible difference between most ancient greek philosophers and homeless schizophrenics is the quality of the rags they wear.” – u/Looney_forner
60. “Each step on a staircase is its own floor or sublevel.” – u/Yodelling_Tornado