In an age where we are surrounded by technology, wrist watches seem a thing of the past to some. However, the truth is, timepieces are well, a timeless necessity for all gentlemen alike. In reality, watches have been evolving as fast as the phones you see today. You name it... Radiation detection, GPS, heart rate monitors, pedometer, altimeter, thermometer, and...
From hot grease flying off the grill to sawdust clinging onto your clothes... You never truly miss an apron till you're without one. Combine a raincoat, battle shield, and tool belt as one, what do you have? An apron. For generations they've been the working man's greatest ally and for a good reason. Let's face it, shirts soak up water...
Every man's best friend is money, and money's best friend is a minimalist wallet! Discover how to manage your financial affairs in style. Today's accessorized aficionados overwhelmingly opt for slimmer wallets for the front pocket. These urbane choices are much harder to lose, far less bulky, and they simultaneously flaunt your wealth. As a bonus, the vessel cunningly attracts attention...
A fairly common question I get asked from time to time is, “Should you wear a belt with suspenders?” To put things in perspective, it’s a lot like wearing two baseball gloves to the ball game. You’re hoping to catch a foul ball and while one glove would work just fine, you still want to play it cautious with two....
A man has to be very careful about the personality he crafts to show the world, and nothing defines a regal man’s persona more than a sleek briefcase. To transform your travels into masculine elegance, simply pick one of the luxuriously grand vessels below! When a gentleman is on the go, his whole world has to be packed into one...
With a change in seasons approaching, the last thing you want to do is get stuck in the cold with a bitter style. Protect your fingers and hands against Winter's frigidly fierce battle, all while looking sharp. In terms of manliness, gloves were once symbols of dignity, pride, relentless courage and the spirit of chivalry. Back in the middle ages...
The lapel flower has been around for many years yet few know anything related to the early history of this fashion accessory that has long been a popular "go-to" item for men of all ages. Perhaps you recognize the lapel flower by its more common designation as a "Boutonniere". No matter which of the terms is being used it still...
To the dismay of style aficionados everywhere, pocket squares fell out of mainstream awareness way back in the 1970s. For the following decades, men's suits have been unfairly deprived of an essential charismatic ingredient. Fortunately, the dynamic accessory is making a timely comeback. Many people have credited Daniel Craig with the return to timeless metro-sexual appeal. In addition to James...
Want to know the easiest way to keep your life organized when you're on the go? It's simple, invest in a stylish messenger bag. From the classroom to the boardroom, these bags are equipped to carry everything you need. They also serve a great fashion accessory. Rest assured they won't be mistake for a purse. In fact, they are quite...
If you have a fascination with the style that was rocked in the 1980’s, but could never walk out in public feeling comfortable dressed the same way in today’s society, you are in luck. A lot of the men's fashion accessories, like fedora’s, thick-rimmed glasses, high water pants and suspenders are all making a comeback in modern male fashion. Just...