98 Professional Beard Styles for Men
You still want to look sexy and approachable, but let’s say you’re in a more professional environment. You want to go full out with your beard, but you’re not sure where you should go.
Lucky for you, we’ve got a host of tips as to where you can take your beard.
It’s ill-advised to go for a long beard length in this kind of corporate environment. It’ll probably just comes across the wrong way.
Another option you have is to go the medium route. This will have to be tasteful and well-trimmed in order for the length to come across well. Your best option by far is to go with a beard that’s a little on the shorter side, as this exudes professionalism while still allowing for your super manliness to shine through. That girl you run into a lot at the water cooler? You better believe she’ll be noticing your beardedness.
Another benefit is that people (whether consciously or not) connote bearded men with confidence and experience. This will be a pretty cool life hack to use on your boss. You’ll be getting that shiny new promotion in no time. Just don’t let the thing go to your head. With great beardedness comes great responsibility. If that quote works for Spider-Man, it’ll work for you too.

Looking for different beard styles? Check out these top beard styles and ideas.