What Percentage of Men Can Grow a Beard?
As is the case with women, men also feel insecure about their body image. Women might be most concerned with their weight, while many men are concerned with how people perceive them if they don’t have a beard. Having a beard is a milestone for many men, so it can be an emotional experience when it doesn’t happen.
If you thought all men were capable of growing beards, you would be amongst the majority of people who think so. Yet this is not true as many men can’t grow a beard for several different reasons.
In today’s society, growing a beard has become an increasingly popular obsession. There are thousands of products and tips targeted toward men who want to grow their beards, and some of these products and tips work while others are simply gimmicks.
It’s expected that the beard grooming industry will grow by approximately 5% in the coming years. As more men try to grow a beard, it’s crucial to understand why some men can’t. It doesn’t help to spend one’s entire life trying to attain something that can never be.
Have you been trying to grow a full beard, and you haven’t been able to? Or have you been putting off growing a beard because you were not sure about the known benefits? If so, you might want to have a closer look at this article as we will discuss answers to these questions. We will also let you know the actual percentage of men who can grow a beard, how you can achieve a lush beard, and plenty more.
On Average, How Long Should It Take a Man To Grow a Beard?
Before you can determine whether you can or cannot grow a beard, you need to know how long you should try to grow a beard. The length of time it takes to grow a full beard is somewhat challenging to answer as not everyone is going to have facial hair that grows at the same pace. However, typically it takes the average person a month to grow a half-inch of facial hair.
This equates to it taking approximately two to six months for a man to grow a full beard. Interestingly, a beard will not usually grow more than three feet long. Additionally, a beard goes through a few stages, starting with stubble before reaching a full beard.
These stages are namely known as the anagen phase, the catagen phase, and the telogen phase. So if your beard has still not managed to grow after six months and you are of the age to experience beard growth, you should consider seeing a dermatologist or doctor.
What Is the Actual Percentage of Men That Can Successfully Grow a Beard?
As we now know, not all men are capable of growing facial hair. We will get into the reasons for this later. Yet what is the true percentage of men that can grow beards successfully? Although studies surrounding beards are few and far between, it is believed that 33% of men in the United States are capable of growing a beard. Globally it is thought that 55% of men are capable of growing a beard.
Additionally, the number of people who can grow a beard and choose to is increasing. For example, in the United Kingdom, between 2011 and 2016, the number of men who decided to grow their beards increased from 37% to 42%.
There is evidence that backs up this claim, and this evidence can be gleaned by statistics from the men’s grooming industry. In the United States, the men’s blades and razors market has decreased in recent years. In 2015 the market for these products was $2.4 billion, but in 2015 the market demand had reduced to $2.2 billion. Essentially this means fewer men are shaving, and more are growing their beards.
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Four Main Reasons Why You Can’t Grow a Beard
For many men growing a beard can be a challenging, painful, and seemingly impossible task. If you have been struggling to grow a beard, you may want to have a look at the four main reasons why you have thus far been unsuccessful. If you know what the problem is, you can determine how to best figure out a solution.
1. Low Testosterone Levels
Some men have lower testosterone levels than what is deemed normal. Lower testosterone levels can cause poor beard growth, and those with almost non-existent testosterone levels can have no facial hair at all. It’s important to note that unless your doctor has stated you have clinically low testosterone levels, it is unlikely to be the cause of your facial hair woes.
Before going to the doctor, you can determine if you have any other symptoms associated with low testosterone levels. A few of the most notable signs that you could have low testosterone levels include trouble building muscle, a low libido, increased body fat, mood changes, fatigue, and erectile dysfunction.
2. Alopecia Areata
In rare cases, a man can struggle growing facial hair if he has Alopecia Areata. This is a somewhat rare autoimmune disease that causes your body to attack your hair follicles. This disease’s most common sign is patchy beards and patches of hair falling out on your head.
Although there is, unfortunately, no cure for this autoimmune condition, there are a few treatment options available. For example, a doctor might recommend phototherapy, topical immunotherapy, corticosteroid creams, cortisone tablets, and steroid injections.
3. Your Ethnicity
Did you know that your race can play a significant role in how successful you are in growing a beard? For example, those of Mediterranean descent are more likely to grow thicker beards than other races. Additionally, a 2016 study found that Chinese men generally have less facial hair than caucasian men.
4. Your Genetics
Arguably the most significant factor that determines if you can grow a beard and how thick it will be is your genetics. Chances are if your father or grandfather on either side of the family had a thick beard, it’s likely you will too. Yet, did you know that your genetics will also affect when you start growing a beard and when it will reach its full potential? Generally, most men will begin to develop a beard between the ages of 18 and 30.
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Ways You Can Make Your Facial Hair Grow
There are many ways that you can make your beard grow. However, you should know that unless you have a medical condition affecting your facial hair growth, lifestyle changes are the only proper way to grow your beard. If you want to maximize your chances of successfully growing a full beard, have a look below.
- Stay away from cigarettes: Smoking doesn’t only negatively affect your health. It can also disrupt your chances of growing a beard.
- Eat healthily: If you are experiencing a micronutrient deficiency because of an unhealthy diet, you will struggle to grow a beard. To grow a beard, try and eat a balanced diet to ensure you receive the nutrients necessary to promote hair growth.
- Rest: It might not seem believable, but how much sleep you are getting will also determine if you can successfully grow a beard. Sleeping allows your body to restore itself, which in turn promotes hair growth.
- Supplements: Recently, some evidence has stated that vitamin D supplements can help to activate dormant hair follicles. Additionally, some studies have claimed that vitamin B12 and niacin can condition and strengthen beards.
The Top Four Benefits of Having a Beard
Having a beard is much more than just a fashion statement. There are quite a few benefits to be had if you choose to grow out your facial hair. Below we have found out four of the top benefits those with beards experience.
1. Can Prevent Skin Damage
It has been proven that beards protect skin from sunburn and reduce a man’s risk of sustaining severe skin damage. A beard acts as a barrier that blocks up to approximately 95% of harmful UV rays. Although an estimated 5% of UV rays get through a beard, their damage is far reduced because of how few reach the skin. Additionally, because your beard protects the skin underneath it, you are actually ensuring you look younger for longer.
2. Helps With Allergies and Asthma
Do you suffer from asthma or certain allergies? You may want to try growing your beard. A beard acts as a filter that prevents substances like pollen and dust from entering your respiratory system. Since it does this, it means that you will be less likely to develop lung and throat diseases, and it decreases the likelihood of having an asthma attack.
3. Acts as a Natural Moisturizer
A little-known fact about having a beard is that it acts as a facial moisturizer. Your skin has its very own skincare routine that involves the sebaceous glands in your face. These glands create a natural oil that moisturizes, but most people wipe this oil off in their daily tasks. When you have a beard, you can’t wipe away this natural oil, thus allowing your skin to be moisturized at all times.
4. Reduces the Chances of a Bacterial Infection
Bacterial infections are common with those who shave. This is because when you use a blade on your face to remove facial hair, you make minor cuts on the skin. The bacteria that live on your face make their way into these cuts, which is the leading cause of ingrown hairs and bacterial infections. By not shaving and having a beard instead, you significantly reduce the likelihood of you developing a bacterial infection on your face.
Now You Know More About Beards!
There are many benefits associated with growing facial hair but growing a beard is not possible for everyone. Some people won’t ever grow a beard because of genetics, while others could have a difficult time because of autoimmune conditions, medical conditions, or ethnicity. Yet, failing to grow a beard doesn’t always come down to these factors. Often if you make the right lifestyle changes, you should be able to successfully grow a full beard.