10 Different Beard Styles for Men
Beards are more popular than ever. It’s given men an opportunity to express themselves like never before. We have also seen many office jobs, military, and other workplaces become a lot more relaxed when it comes to the rules of how you want to style yourself. While all that is great, trying to choose the right beard style for you can be tough. That’s where we wanted to help by showing you the best nice beard styles for men you can choose right now.
We’ve broken it down into a wide variety of beard styles from the short and sharp to the long and unkempt. While you’ll ultimately know what beard style suits you, sometimes you need a little inspiration. You could find a new look that gives you a whole new sense of confidence.
There are countless different beard types out there such as circle beard, goatee, balbo beard, van dyke beard, and chin beard but we’ve focused on the most popular right now. The ones that will turn heads for all the right reasons. They allow you to work with your face shape and have a beard style you can be proud of.
The best beard styles are the ones that give you confidence and put a smile across your face when you look in the mirror. They ensure your facial hair complements your hairstyle and get you plenty of positive comments from the many beard admirers out there.
All you need to do now is read on and check out our suggestions for your new beard style. Soon you’ll be excited to start growing your new style. Let’s take a look!
1. Thick Beard
Sometimes you just want to let it grow out. A great thick beard is a contradiction in many ways as it looks as though it requires minimal maintenance but the truth is usually quite different. While they continue growing, you need to give them some care and attention with regular combing with a beard comb and oil.
The bad news is that not everyone can grow a thick beard. It generally depends on your facial hair type as your beard hairs need to be quite thick and curly. It’s a great idea to start growing your beard out and see how it looks. They can also be a good idea for those with a patchy beard as their thickness can hide any unwanted patches.
Without regular maintenance, your beard will start looking scruffy. While many love that beard style, others prefer theirs a little smarter. The thick beard is perfect for the professional who wants to show off their manliness with their epic beard.
2. Full Beard
The full beard style is essentially a scaled back version of the thick beard. In fact, if you’re growing a thick beard then it’s going to pass through the full beard stage. This is where your lower face is fully covered in medium-length hair.
The full beard style also sits in between having that unkempt look and being fully styled. You want to give it some maintenance but don’t want to make it look too clean cut. This usually involves beard oil/wax and regular combing but minimal trimming while it’s growing.
Once you get your full beard to your desired length, then you can keep it trimmed. The full beard is preferred by many men as it gives you that manly look without being too high maintenance. It works for many men in a wide variety of different jobs.
3. Long Beard
There is something epic about the long beard. It says that you don’t care what people think and people will know that it’s many months of hard work. If you don’t mind waiting during the long period of beard growth, you will be rewarded with something that looks incredible and will also help to keep you nice and warm in those winter months! They can also hide your face shape, if you’re unhappy with how you look underneath.
As with the thick beard, a long beard also requires plenty of maintenance. This can include regular trimming to keep it in the right shape. Regular cleaning and brushing are also needed if you want to avoid looking like a homeless man!
It’s worth pointing out that the long beard is a big commitment. Not only is it going to take a long time to grow but you need to be on top of its maintenance every day. If you put in the work though, you’ll be showered with endless beard compliments.
4. Corporate Beard
The corporate beard is so called as it’s one that you can have in a professional workplace. You still have many companies that would frown upon many beard styles such as a long beard, or even a thick beard. In this sense, a corporate beard is a compromise.
It’s a beard style with short to medium length hair which has clearly passed the stubble phase. It’s also going to be very well maintained. This includes having a defined line on your cheek where you shave away any stray hairs along with trimming your neck.
The brushing and oiling of this beard will be minimal but you’ll most likely need to trim it a few times a week. Those trims aren’t going to take long but you want to keep on top of it if you want your jawline looking sharp. It’s perfect for office environments or for those who just like cleaner beard styles.
5. Ducktail Beard
If you wanted to take on one of the more distinct beard styles then the ducktail beard can be a great idea. This is essentially a short and tight beard on the sides of your face but you then grow the hair a little longer on the chin to give it that distinct ducktail look.
This has been a common beard style among celebrities, perhaps most famously by Charlie Hunnam. It’s perfect for those who are looking for something a little different aside from growing out their hair in a uniform fashion.
Not all men can grow hair equally on all of their face either. The ducktail beard can be a great compromise for those wanting a fuller-looking beard style. Regular trimming is going to be required but overall, maintenance isn’t that high.
6. Faded Beard
A popular option for many bear wearers is the faded beard. This is where you’ll have a full beard that fades into a closely trimmed hairstyle. It puts the beard front and center of your look as there is no connection between your glorious beard and the rest of your hair.
Where you start the fade will be up to you. Some like to start it from halfway up the cheek whereas others like to take their beard all the way to the top of their ear. This is usually accompanied by the top of your head being styled with medium-length hair.
It’s a beard style that has increased in popularity with shows such as The Last Kingdom and Vikings. That Nordic look suits many men. You can either opt for a more rugged Viking look or go for a highly-styled version with clean lines and edges.
7. Handlebar Moustache
There is no hiding away from the handlebar mustache. If you go for it, then you’re going to get a lot of attention. You can leave your mustache and trim the rest of your beard but we think it looks great over a bushy beard.
You’ll always have plenty of choice on how to style your bold facial hair. The traditional way is to put some curl onto it. This can either be a subtle wave or something close to a circle. The length will also vary from one mustache to the next.
What it does need is constant attention. You can’t get out of bed and head out without a bit of styling as you’ll then have a big droopy mustache hanging over your face. It only takes a few minutes of wax and you’ll look dashingly handsome.
8. Pointed Beard
We looked at the ducktail beard which is usually fairly short and only extends out slightly from the chin. The pointed beard, on the other hand, is facial hair that is usually much longer and often doesn’t really have a pointed end but is rather styled into a tapered shape.
Some men have a pointed beard quite naturally and if this sounds like you, minimal care will be required. If you have a natural bushy beard then it’s likely you’d need to trim it into a pointed shape. This is fairly easy to keep on top of.
Those with a pointed beard would also need to keep an eye on how it’s looking. Without wax or oil, your point can look a little wonky, which is never a great look. It’s a great option for many men, especially those who are self-conscious of their face shape or chin.
9. Scruffy Beard
This is perhaps one of the boldest beard styles of all. Mainly as you’ll probably get some negative comments from your mother about how it looks as though you’ve been spending some time living on the streets! It doesn’t always meet approval from the older generations.
That being said, as long as you look good, nothing else matters. The scruffy beard is facial hair that is grown out with next to no maintenance, or at least that’s what it looks like. In reality, you’ll still want to give it some TLC.
This involves trimming off the ends of your beard periodically to cut off split ends and also oiling it so it doesn’t get too scratchy. The beauty of a scruffy beard is that if it doesn’t suit you, then you can quickly change it to a full beard.
10. Stubble Beard
Let’s face it, long beards require quite a lot of maintenance. It often seems like people who can’t/won’t grow one don’t appreciate how much effort you need to make a long beard look its best. For those who want a break from the maintenance and want a short beard, the stubble beard is perfect.
As you can probably guess, this is where your facial hair is a little more than just stubble. Even though it’s called the stubble beard, the reality is that it’s a bit longer than that and usually means a few weeks of growth.
This is a short beard style where you can roll out of bed and not even check it. They differentiate from corporate beards as they aren’t shaped or maintained as much. They are perfect for those who can’t bear a naked chin but aren’t feeling a full beard.