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Trivia Team Names That Will Have Everyone Chuckling
Whenever you decided to take part in a quiz, the first question that always comes up is what to call your team. Do you go with something witty? Maybe a pun on your favorite movie or TV show? Possibly something serious or an in-joke with your fellow trivia partners? Whatever you decided, we recommended a funny trivia name. These are a great way to inject some humor and personality into your pub quiz night, whether it’s a movie quiz, sports quiz, or a trivia night revolving around the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Whether you’re a group of friends, co-workers, or strangers brought together by a shared love of trivial pursuits, coming up with a clever team name can be just as important as knowing the answers. Some popular examples of funny trivia team names include “Trivial Pursuits,” “Keep Calm and Quiz On,” “Trivia Newton-John,” and “Ten Points to Gryffindor,” which is big with Harry Potter fans.
These names are just some of the hundreds that are suitable for your trivia team. They make for great office trivia team names and are creative trivia team names that work for all types of quizzes. So to make sure you have a hilarious name ready for your next pub quiz, we have collected the funniest, cleverest, and downright silly names that are sure to give the other quiz goers a good laugh.

1. Trivial Pursuits
2. Team Name
3. Universally Challenged
4. Houston, We Have an Answer
5. No Eye Dear
6. Quizanthemums
7. Norfolk and Chance
8. Quizmas Carolers
9. Collective Fools
10. The Guess for the Job
11. Jeopardy Rejects
12. 63% of the Time We Win Every Time!
13. Trivia Problem
14. Eggheads
15. Quiz in My Pants
16. The Wise Quackers
17. And in Last Place…
18. Quarenteams
19. Google Geeks
20. And The Winners Are…
21. Phil and the Blanks
22. Quiz Pro Quo
23. The Right Guess
24. Victorious Secret
25. Running With Quizzes
26. Trivia New Roman
27. You Can’t Quiz With Us
28. Keep Calm and Quiz On
29. The A-Team
30. Smarty Pints
31. Aiming for Second Place
32. Quizzy McQuizface
33. The Wikipedias
34. Aiming for Second Place
35. Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem
36. Quiz in My Pants
37. The Know-It-Alls
38. The Simple Minds
39. It’s a Hard Gronk Life
40. Alec Quizbec
41. The Quizzie Rascals
42. Beer Today, Gone Tomorrow
43. Periodic Table Dancers
44. Herd of Nerds
45. Masterminds
46. Earth, Win, And Fire
47. Spill the Trivia
48. Your Team Name Here
49. Quiz Kings
50. Fake Facts
51. Born To Win
52. Right Foot, Wrong Answers
53. Blood Sweat And Beers
54. Nacho Winners
55. Four Girls, One Quiz
56. That’s What She Said
57. Nerd Immunity
58. Win or Booze
59. Make Trivia Great Again
60. Dads Night Out
61. Game Night
62. Superiority Complex
63. Quizly Bears
64. Smarty Pants
65. Trivia Team Name Ideas
66. I Wish This Microphone Was a…
67. We Thought This Was Speed Dating
68. What’s The Question Again?
69. Team Name Pending
70. I’m With The Band
71. The Underdogs
72. Around The World In 80 Quizzes
73. Trivial Solutions
74. Lettuce Win
75. Here for the Beer
76. Superior Beings
77. Googling Through Life
78. The Lucky Guessers
79. Sleazy Smarties
80. Couch Quizzers
81. The Trivia Heads
82. So you think you can quiz?
83. I’m Smarter Than a Five-Year-Old
84. Quizzically Challenged
Movie and TV Show Trivia Team Names

85. I Am Smarticas
86, Risky Quizness
87. Elementary, My Dear Watson
88. The Real Housewives of Trivia Night
89. Home Aloners
90. The Exor-Quizzed
91. Dumb And Dumbbells
92. The Sisterhood of Travelling Smartypants
93. Dazed and Confused
94. Not Great Expectations
95. Menace To Sobriety
96. The Dirty Harrys
97. Quiz Pro Quo, Clarice
98. The Brewsual Suspects
99. What, Like It’s Hard?
100. A Long Quiz Goddnighrt
101. We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Brain
102. Honey, I Shrunk The Quiz
103. The Fellowship of the Quiz
104. Tequila Mockingbird
105. Crouching Question Hidden Answer
106. It’s a Wonderful Quiz
107. Buckfast At Tiffany’s
108. House of Trivia
109. Sophie’s Multiple Choice Les Quizerables
110. The Quizzard Of Oz
111. Not Fast, Just Furious.
112. Here’s Looking at You, Competitors
113. The Brainy Bunch
114. Walken on Sunshine
115. Agatha Quiztee
116. The Shallow Hals’
117. One Team To Rule Them All
118. Making Fetch Happen
119. The Trivia-ing Dead
120. Hey, We’re Quizzin’ Here!
121. The Forrest Gumps
123. I See Dumb People
124. The Walking Quiz
Love movies and trivia? Then give these movie trivia questions a crack and see how much you know about the business.
Book Trivia Team Names

125. To Quiz a Mockingbird
126. Narnia Business
127. Alice in Winnerland
128. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Books and Booze
129. Not Great Expectations
130. Tolkien About Trivia
131. All Quiet on the Winner’s Front
132. One Team to Rule Them All
133. Sherlock Homies
134. The Count of Monte Quizco
135. Don Quizote
136. The Book Was Better
137. The Three Quizketeers
Music Trivia Team Names

138. Red Hot Trivia Peppers
139. Beyonce Know Alls
140. Quiztopher Cross
141. Flu Fighters
142. Born to Runner-Up
143. Thin Quizzie
144. Let’s Get Quizzical
145. Plunderwall
146. Billie Jean Is Not My Trivia Partner
147. Smells Like Team Spirit
148. Comfortably Dumb
149. Taking Care of Quizness
150. Never Gonna Quix You Up
151. Les Quizerables
152. Quiz or Let Die
153. Too Hot To Handle
154. Quiztopher Quiztoffersen
155. New Quiz on the Block
156. Quizzing on a Prayer
157. I Got 99 Problems And This Trivia Is One
Punny Trivia Team Names

158. Quiztopher Columbus
159. Reese Winnerspoon
160. Quizton Tarantino
161. E=MC Hammer
162. Beyonce Knows
163. Quizteena Milan
164. Eddie Quizzard
165. Quizton Stewart
166. Quizteama Aguilera
Harry Potter Trivia Team Names

167. Ten Points to Gryffindor!
168. The Golden Quiz
169. Wingardium Quiziosa
170. You’re a Quizzard, Harry!
171. Harry Potter and the Perfect Score
172. Taking Trivia Siriously
173. Quizzitch World Cup
174. Granger Things Have Happened
175. Every Day We’re Hufflin’
176. Slytherin It to Win It
177. The Remembralls
178. Defense Against the Dark Answers
179. Snapes on a Plane
180. We Heard This Quiz Would Be Weasley
Now that you have the perfect trivia team name for your Harry Potter quiz, give these Harry Potter trivia questions a go and see how much you really know about Hogwarts.
Star Wars Trivia Team Names

181. Let Qui-Gons, Be Qui-Gons
182. Scruffy-Lookin’ Nerf Herders
183. Looking for Love in Alderaan Places
184. It’s a Trap!
185. Jar Jar Drinks
186. The Nerf Herders
187. Nooooooooooo!
188. Sith Happens
189. The Force Is Strong With This Pun
190. Han Shot First
191. Alderaan Answers
192. Qui-Gon Jinn and Tonic
193. Imperial Walker, Texas Ranger
194. Let the Wookie Win
195. Sorry About the Mess
196. Rogue Squadron
197. Obi Won Quiznobi
198. Living La Vida Yoda
Put your Star Wars knowledge to the test with these difficult Star Wars trivia questions.
Disney Trivia Team Names

199. Walt Quiznie
200. The Mad Hatters
201. Ariel-ly Good Team
202. The Minnie Van
203. Whistle While You Quiz
204. The Absent-Minded Professors
205. Rub Lamp for Answer
206. Taco Belles
207. Monsters University Alumni
208. Quizney Princesses
209. The Lady and the Champ
210. Cinderella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh
211. Tweedledee and Tweedle-Not-So-Dumb
212. The Emperor’s New Quiz
213. Mulan the Answers
214. The Quizristocats
Game of Thrones Trivia Team Names

215. We Know Nothing
216. Lady Quizheart
217. A Team Has No Name
218. Win or Die
219. Trivia By Combat
220. Weirwood Winners
221. Quiz of Tarth
222. The Faceless Men
223. Khal Dragoons
224. Hodor
225. Winners Are Coming
226. Quiz in the North
See more about - 164 Movie Trivia Questions To Test Film Buffs