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97 Funny Chicken Jokes That Are Egg-Cellent
What do you call a chicken that crosses the road, but then goes back again? A re-crossed chicken! Okay, that was a bit clucky, but trust us, we’ve got more where that came from. In fact, we’ve got a whole coop full of the best chicken jokes that we’ve collected for your entertainment.
Why did the chicken join a band? Because it had drumsticks. Why did the chicken go to the seance? To talk to the other side. Alright, alright, maybe those aren’t the best chicken jokes ever. We know what you’re thinking. These jokes are fowl. But don’t worry, we aren’t just winging it here. and have a large selection of egg-cellent jokes for you to enjoy. There’s even a knock knock joke thrown in for good measure.
Whether you’re a poultry enthusiast or just in need of a good chuckle, these are the best chicken jokes around. Trust us, we are egg-sperts here at Next Luxury.

1. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
Because chickens didn’t exist yet.
2. What do chickens study at college?
3. Why did the chicken run across the road?
To get to the other side faster.
4. I have just ordered a chicken and an egg on Amazon today.
I will let you know which comes first.
5. What do chickens grow on?
An eggplant.
6. Did you hear about the chicken that could only lay eggs in the winter?
She was no spring chicken.
7. Why didn’t the chicken cross the road?
Because there was a KFC on the other side.
8. How does a pessimist rooster sing?
Cock a doodle don’t.
9. What do you call a chicken that’s afraid of the dark?
A chicken
10. A farmer goes upstairs to his bedroom holding a big chicken in his arms. His wife is already in bed. When entering the room, he says “This is the pig I am sleeping with.” The wife, surprised, responds “Honey, this is not a pig, this is a chicken.”
The husband corrects her: “Darling, I am not talking to you, I am talking to the chicken.”
11. Why did Chicken Little cross the road?
To warn the people on the other side that the sky was falling.
12. Where do chickens have the most feathers?
On the outside.
13. Why did the chicken cross the road?
To bock traffic.
14. Where is the best place to find information on eggs?
In the hen-cyclopedia.
15. What do you call a chicken crossed with a cow?
A roost beef.
16. Why was the egg afraid?
It was a little chicken.
17. How does chicken get their letters?
In hen-envelopes.
18. What do you call a bird with no wings?
A flap.
19. Why did the chicken cross the playground?
To get to the other slide.
20. A young girl asks her dad: “Why did the chicken cross the road?” The dad doesn’t know so she responds: “To get to the house of a dummy Dad.” The dad is puzzled, so the girl gets to another joke: “Knock-knock” Dad: “Who’s there?”
Girl: “The chicken!”
21. Why did Mozart hate chickens?
All they say is, “Bach-Bach-Bach!”
22. How do baby chickens dance?
23. Why did the chicken cross the road?
No one knows. But the road will have its vengeance.
24. How do we get a chicken to click on your website?
Use cluckbait.
25. Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?
To stretch her legs.
26. Where do tough chickens come from?
Hard-boiled eggs.
27. What do you call a chicken crossing the road?
Poultry in motion.
28. Why are chickens good at drumming?
Because they have drumsticks.
29. How do chickens leave a building?
They use the eggs-it!
30. Johnny goes to sleep next to his wife, Becky, and soon enough he falls asleep. Suddenly, he wakes up and realizes he is in heaven, where Saint Peter awaits him. Johnny says “but I’m not ready to die and go to heaven yet! I want to go back to earth.” Saint Peter responds “Well, it is not that easy. You can return to earth, but only as a chicken.” Johnny, disillusioned, responds “ok fine, I will go back as a chicken.” And poof, Johnny is now back as a chicken on a nice farm. But his bottom really, really hurts, as if it was going to explode.
Another chicken comes by and explains that he need not worry, this is just because he has to lay an egg. And he better do it quickly. The other chicken recommends “You have to push, push as hard as you can.” So Johnny pushes, pushes as hard as he can. After a few minutes of pushing, still nothing. The other chicken encourages Johnny to continue.
After some time, surely enough, a big egg comes out of his bottom! Relieved, Johnny the chicken feels a lot better when he suddenly hears his wife Becky scream: “Johnny, wake up, you just shit in our bed!”
31. What do you get when you cross a chicken and a four-leaf clover?
The cluck o’ the Irish!
32. How does a chicken without feathers feel?
Plucking terrible.
33. What movie do chickens love the most?
E.T. The Egg-straterrestrial.
34. Why did the turkey cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t chicken.
35. How do you know if it’s too hot in the chicken barn?
The chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.
36. Why did the chicken go to bed with the egg?
She wanted to know who came first.
37. What movie do chickens fear most?
38. How did the chicken with no legs cross the road?
In a KFC bucket.
39. What day do chickens hate the most?
40. Which chicken is at the top of the pecking order?
Attila the Hen.
41. What is a hen’s favorite type of movie?
A chick flick.
42. Why are hens happy when they cook?
Because of the free range.
43. What do you call it when a chicken lays an egg on the roof of a barn?
An egg roll.
44. Why did the chicken cross the road?
To knock knock on the door, walk into the bar, and change the lightbulb.
45. What made the rooster laugh?
The comedi-hen.
46. Why did the chicken sit in the middle of the road?
She wanted to lay it on the line.
47. The chicken farmer died under mysterious circumstances.
The police suspect fowl play.
48. What was the chicken DJ playing?
Henhouse music.
49. Why did the chicken cross the road?
To show the duck how to do it.
50. A friend asked me, “How do you raise chickens?”
I answered, “Just try and wing it.”
51. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a bell?
An alarm cluck.
52. Why is it easy for chicks to talk?
Because talk is cheep.
53. What do you get when you put a chicken in a concrete mixer?
A brick layer.
54. Which U.S. state is the most yellow?
55. What do chicken families do on the weekends?
They have peck-nics.
56. Did you hear about the rooster who won the prize for the best bird?
He became very cocky.
57. What does a chicken need to lay an egg every day?
58. Why do chickens hate it in winter?
They feel cooped up.
59. What do artsy chickens enjoy?
Spoken-word poultry.
60. Why is your chicken’s coop smelly?
The fowl odor.
61. Did you know chickens can jump higher than a house?
The reason is houses can’t jump.
62. What happened to the baby chicken that misbehaved at school?
It was egg-spelled.
63. Why does a chicken coop have two doors?
If it had four, it’d be a chicken sedan.
64. What do you call a chicken that crosses the road, rolls in the dirt, crosses the road again, and then rolls in the dirt again?
A dirty double-crossing chicken.
65. Why do chickens not like bossy roosters?
Because they ruffle everyone’s feathers.
66. What did the chicken say to her friend when they crossed the road?
I was expecting so much more.
67. Why do young roosters act like their dads?
Like feather, like son.
68. What do chickens order for dessert?
69. Why don’t chickens tell jokes to their eggs?
Because it might crack them up.
70. What do chickens call school tests?
71. Why shouldn’t you put an egg in the microwave?
It egg-splodes.
72. What is a chicken’s favorite book?
How to Wing Friends and Influence People.
73. Why did the chicken go to the seance?
To get to the other side.
74. What did the rooster say to the chicken?
You are impeck-able.
75. Which dance will a chicken not do?
The foxtrot.
76. What happens when a hen eats gunpowder?
She lays hand gren-eggs.
77. Which final event does chicken fear?
The Apeckalypse.
78. Why did the droid cross the road?
Because a chicken programmed it.
79. What was the silent hen called?
80. Why do chickens go to Burger King?
To see a chicken strip.
81. What did the chicken say when passing through?
Egg-scuse me.
82. How do chickens bake a cake?
They start from scratch.
83. What did the agnostic chicken do?
Doubted its egg-sistence.
84. Why don’t chickens like people?
Because they beat eggs.
85. What was the chicken’s greatest concern?
86. Why was this chicken not like the others?
He was a little egg-centric.
87. What type of eggs does an evil hen lay?
Deviled eggs.
88. Why did McDonald’s run out of chicken McNuggets?
The farmer counted his chickens before they hatched.
89. A man in a movie theater notices what looks like a chicken sitting next to him. “Are you a chicken?” asked the man, surprised. “Yes.” “What are you doing at the movies?”
The chicken replied, “Well, I liked the book.”
90. What do you give to a sneezing chicken?
A hen kerchief.
91. How do you know they are having money trouble in the chicken coop?
They were trying to make hens meet.
92. What did the sick chicken say?
“I have the people pox.”
93. How does chicken loosen nut bolts?
Turning them counter cluck wise.
94. What song did chicken Elvis sing?
“Rock around the cluck.”
95. Why was the rooster drunk?
He had one too many cock-tails.
96. Where did the chicken pilot sit?
In the cockpit.
97. Why did the chicken not show up on the radar?
It had a clucking device.
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